Patriots have no skin color
Would you eat a bag of skittles if 90% of the bag was covered in shit
Oh cool
Q just gave me anxiety and used the jew beam on me
Now i wanna die
My only colsolation is that
My mans krishna will rain vengeance upon Qs head
Thats probably true
Trump is literally bush at this point
Im not even mad i got tricked because up until like 6 months ago trump seemed legit
Now hes openly betraying his base
Good luck winning 2020 and paying your debts to the mossad faggot
Please stop posting people on this board who make more sense than Q
It hurts Qs feelings that a mossad cia nigger gets to have the stage
>>>5623795 (You)
>It is. But when was the last time America fought in a conflict to protect America and not further the goals of Israel and Wall Street?
Civil war
Thats about it
Every other war was a clown war
Man oh man do i hope my fake shilling pisses Q off
Good thing the plan is fucking fake lmao
Or id feel bad
Anyone else enjoy having their brain melted by demons ai and the jew beam at the same time
>posts unorganic memes so lame a five year old would cringe but calls others shills
1776 was either a fluke
Or done by a group of masons who either wanted to see if their great experiment worked
Or genuinely hated the old money families
Not sure if mystery schools and old money are on the same side
They are now
But im not sure if they always were
Djt only cares about his rich buddies wall street and israel so try again
I wonder who she had dirt on
This is going to be a fun day when Qs latest prediction doesnt pan out and anons have to perform mental gymnastics to avoid going insane
Lizard females are the dominant sex
That explains all of feminism
Next thing you know Q will tell us that women arnt oversized children
Anyone else bet Qs newest boom will be anti israel hate speech laws where criticizing them is given jail time
Or a 400billion dollar aid package
To israel
Or maybe potus will make buying products from wall street mandatory
Not a single thing trump has done can be considered winning outside of arresting traffickers
Which just seems like regime change to me
They must have a new supply of kids
Probably cloning
Oh no this anon broke the conditioning
Bad news for you anon Qs eye watching is gonna add you to the targeting list
My life became 10x better when i stopped listening to Qs larping and left this board
Only come here to,make fun of Q and the retard lemming anons
Too bad the rest of the net is completely locked down
Cough containment board cough
>im a sheep
>government melts my brain on a daily basis
>ai and or demons targets me
Youre the fucking sheep anon you dont know me
I trust nobody
Not even "god"
I trust hillary fucking clinton more than jewish anonymous
>>>5624326 (You)
>If there were any indictments of the kinds of people Q said would be indicted, you would change your thinking.
>Of course only newfags still believe any of that will happen so ….
Youre right anon i would
Its called evidence
Q has none
Theres a ton of evidence that potus is not our friend
I already do
Hard when youre on a list and being actively harassed
I just do a ton of drugs and play videogames
Gz on being a sheep
Id rather be friendless than associate with the cattle you call "people"
Unless you live ina rural area
Everyone is literally subhuman
The cabal is 100% right about the public
Doesnt make the abuse ok tho
My guess is johnson and johnson chemical plant
The lake has a large amount of pollution
And the invasive mussels
My guess is something very weird is in the water
Could be a psyop tho
The eyes watching the board ( literal demons) love baiting naive people