I did not make the original comment but the blindness in the comments is pure ignorance. God over and over tells us he hates sin and will punish sin. If a believer sees sin as in homosexuality he is to call that out. When they repent they are to be welcomed back. Lucifer attacks everything about Gods design. The LBGT and however many letters you want to add is the DS trying to make "SIN" normal and it a attack on God's plan of ONE Man, ONE Woman! There is only one story were God personally came down and destroyed cities by fire. The problem with these comments are after 10,000 of thousands of hours watching Pedo and abuse of children including their slaughter and selling of parts. People on this chan are so "politically correct" they are afraid to BLACK, BLACK, and WHITE, WHITE!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck explaining to God some day when you meet him that he just wasn't clear on that sin.