Anonymous ID: 54b198 You are watching a movie March 12, 2019, 9:56 p.m. No.5654209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232 >>4247 >>4544

Error Alerts U.S. Forces To a False Missile Attack





A false alert triggered some of the nation's defenses against a nonexistent missile attack yesterday morning

Defense Department officials said today. But the alert was taken skeptically, they said, and was deemed insufficiently urgent to warrant notifying top Government or military officials.


Pentagon officials said, however, that had the

six‐minute alert

lasted even another minute, the information would have been passed to President Carter and Secretary of Defense Harold Brown.


A mechanical error sent “war game” information into the sensing system that provides early warning of nuclear attack, indicating to military officers that the United States was under attack from few missiles launched by a Soviet submarine, probably located in the northern Pacific, a Pentagon official said.


As a result, 10 jet interceptors from three bases in the United States and Canada scrambled aloft, and missile bases throughout the nation went on low‐level alert.


No B‐52's Ordered Aloft


However, no planes from the nation's B‐52 bomber force were ordered into the air, which supports the contention of Pentagon officials that the alert was taken skeptically.

Anonymous ID: 54b198 March 12, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.5654247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii


As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from what happened, to who was responsible. In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which presumably was nuclear armed.


In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine. The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog. The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy faction.


Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there was a submarine based attack:

Anonymous ID: 54b198 March 12, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.5654544   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Former Defense secretary: Obama 'double-crossed' me



Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he felt President Obama “double-crossed” him during his tenure over budget cuts to the Pentagon.


In a Fox News report Friday that explored the president’s approach to the military, Gates said Obama had promised him that there wouldn’t be any “significant changes” in the defense budget for a while.


When asked by Fox whether Obama kept to his word, Gates replied, “Well I think that began to fray. ‘Fray’ may be too gentle a word.”


According to the report, Gates was told to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from the defense budget after already having slashed it.


“I guess I’d have to say I felt double-crossed,” Gates said. “After all those years in Washington, I was naïve.”


The former defense secretary added that he advised Obama to slow the cuts to the military because it would endanger U.S. troops.


“I think he acknowledged that what I was pitching at a minimum was, ‘The world doesn’t seem to be getting better. Before you head down a path of deep cuts in defense, why don’t you take it kind of slow,’ ” he said. “You know it was one of those things where I lost the argument.”


Fox also spoke with former Gen. Michael Flynn, who served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama.


“Frankly, the United States of America is in a less strong position today because of the readiness and the size of our armed forces,” Flynn said.


“I think he sees the military actually as something that is more dangerous to the world,” Flynn added. “I think that he looks at the United States military and sees it as a threatening application around the world, than actually as a useful tool.”

Anonymous ID: 54b198 Actors March 12, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.5654735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was the U.S. military’s top intelligence official in Afghanistan at the time of Bergdahl’s disappearance in June 2009, unequivocally tells Koenig that soldiers died during the search, but he was unable to provide any specifics.


But retired Command Sgt. Maj. Ken Wolf, the top enlisted soldier in Bergdahl’s battalion — who played such a key role in Episode Six of the series — says no way. Wolf would only agree to appear on the program if he could say one thing to the families who lost a loved one during the unit’s deployment. He wanted to let them know “their sons did not die looking for PFC Bergdahl.”


“All you’ve got to do is look at a map and look at the time frame,” Wolf said, since the soldiers he lost during that deployment didn’t die until about two months after Bergdahl walked off his post. “No one in the Army is ever going to say we stopped looking for you, OK? But here’s the deal: It’s been 45-plus days. At this point, we know where he’s at. He’s in Pakistan.” And a conventional U.S. Army unit is not going to walk into Pakistan for any reason, even to find a lost soldier.


Does that mean the Army stopped looking? Not exactly. Other soldiers in Bergdahl’s unit say that whenever they left the wire on other missions, it was implicit that the search for Bergdahl was part of it. But after the first few weeks, it was rarely — if ever — the reason for a mission.


Now that he has had a few years to digest everything that happened in Afghanistan, Zach Barrow, one of the soldiers in Bergdahl’s unit, told Koenig his thinking has changed in regards to his former fellow soldier.


“Maybe we’re holding on to all this stuff and wanting to punish this kid,” he said. “We were all in a bad situation and bad stuff happened. Yes, [Bergdahl] added to the bad situation but I don’t think maybe as much,” as he once thought.


Another member of his unit, Austin Lanford, said “I hated it over there, I wanted to leave extremely bad sometimes. That could’ve been me.”


In the end, now-retired Lt. Col. Paul Edgar, part of the team originally assigned to look for Bergdahl, offers what might be the best coda for the second season of Serial, and for the national debate over the troubled soldier’s fate.


“When you sign up for war as a society, you sign up for this,” Edgar said. “You sign up for disillusioned youth, you sign up for all the things that attend war. So there’s a level of responsibility here, whether it’s Bowe and his particulars, or the baggage of war that goes along with every single [incident] that we signed up for as a society. And to take all of that and to pin it, politically and otherwise, on this 20-year old is in my opinion very, very wrong.”