Did anyone actually think the POS Cummings would approve it?????
That clown is going down for the IRS Scandal and his involvement in it.
Anon's good morning.
When I listened to the Cohen hearing yesterday I could only think that we were watching a bad movie. There were highlights and the main one being the tape recording are all in and I really hope the Democrats like that. Jordan better stay on point and release the very interesting tapes to the public.
But with that all said I found it interesting at the end when good old Cumming that stately POS from the ghettos of Maryland attempted to lecture us and mainly here on the board about civility.
So, I have a few questions to ax the distinguished POS from Maryland:
Was it civilized when you and other Demoncrats (Remember we have tapes & letters of and from you acting like a asshole) weaponized the IRS against the people????
Was it civilized when you passed Obamacare and all lined your pockets by starting programs which didn't work and never required accountability for the costs?
Was it civilized when your boy Buckwheat pissed away a trillion dollars on TARP programs which were not "shovel ready" like he said they were and you didn't investigate?
Was it civilized when you knew what was going on in Benghazi because you had eyes only clearance and you did nothing about it?
Was it civilized when a clown named Holder ran a gun running operation at ATF call "FAST & FURIOUS" and a border agent was killed anddddddddddd no investigation brought by you?
By the way where was your gun control then??
Or is gun control only for those who don't vote for you?
Was it civilized when you watched Buckwheat pay back all of the money donated to the Clinton Foundation by funneling it through Iran????? and of course what was old Elijah doing…….NOTHING.
I can go on for days but it wouldn't matter…..so the time of civility is lost for the present.
Civility can come back but only when you are shown the door to HELL and are hanging at the end of a rope.
There better not be any deal for this clown Q.
By the way you POS Cummings you should never play poker…your tell is too easy…….when you lie, you get loud and belligerent….the tapes don't lie.