>1343 Home Road residence in Sheffield, a western Massachusetts
Luke Karpinski
a. https://www.federalpay.org/employees/patent-and-trademark-office/karpinski-luke-e
i. In 2017, Luke E. Karpinski was a Patent Examiner at the Patent and Trademark Office in Sheffield, Massachusetts. began working at the Patent and Trademark Office in 2007 with a starting salary of $62,920. Since then, 's salary has increased to $109,116 in 2017.
Justine Wilbur
a. http://hoffmanwarnick.com/dt_team/justine-m-wilbur/
b. Patent attorney domestic and international
Alexander Karpinski
a. child
Zoe Karpinski
a. child
Marek Karpinski
a. child
What did they know??????