Anonymous ID: c9a503 March 15, 2019, 7:58 a.m. No.5699968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Symbolism will be their downfall


The Korean Armistice (state of war, no peace agreement) is a pivotal symbol "Cessation of Hostilities" (or just the beginning?)

1956 - US abrogates paragraph 13(d) of the Armistice - brings nukes into South Korea and points them everywhere

1961 Eisenhower warns us of the Military Industrial Complex

1963 Kennedy assassinated - "they" grabbed the agencies they needed to operate

The Korean theater provided media-free environment for [them] to operate

1975 UN pushes for peace talks. US prefers to pressure China to "contain" (maintain status quo)

Clowns control paranoia level in "evil countries" - causing Saber Rattling….every damn Christmas (AD folks know)

Axis of Evil (Bush speech) was the roadmap for where they would operate out of - far away from US stoking fires worldwide

Clowns probably gave NK the tech to make nukes via Clinton Admin leaks of CLASSIFIED Nuke Triggers (keep tensions high)

The war machine sends funds to the operations (State, DoD, USAID, ABCs)

War on Terror = more terror (GWOT Medal Battle Stars take on a whole new meaning)

War on Drugs = more drugs (Border Patrol agents set up to fail)

War on Poverty = more poverty (dumb down the masses with MTV and government cheese)

War on AIDS???

Operation Mockingbird controls the opinions of the masses (left and right) Media is Platform for actors to put on their show for the people, manipulate them, control them, rile them up, cool them down, entertain the with sports.


KJU probably wants to keep the nukes the clowns gave him. Who wouldn't? (Trump WalkAway probably planned, timing is everything)

Good guyswill use extant Declaration of War with North Korea against them - no peace deal has been signed (yet)

Ex_parte_Quirin gives us Military Tribunals (during state of declared war) - No right to Habeas Corpus "[c]itizenship in the United States of an enemy belligerent does not relieve him from the consequences of a belligerency which is unlawful because in violation of the law of war.

Cabal committed War Crimes against US, ergo, Tribunals - Death penalty for many

GITMO - Obvious choice. Recent upgrades. These "people" will be biggest flight risk ever. Worst of worst.


President Donald Trump proclaimed 27 July as National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. This will be significant.

The entire cabal is a LARP - played on a stage too big for most to see - "40,000 ft view"

Anonymous ID: c9a503 March 15, 2019, 8:33 a.m. No.5700467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is really an actress named Sandy. She beat 10K people in auditions. Her boss is Cenk Uygur from Young Turks.