Shills have been heavy on here trying dispense the idea of this being "faked" Some are downplaying the shilling effort with catchphrases similar too…
"Def a false flag, but not faked"
"This isnt the movies"
"(Material A) or (Object B) obscures the ability to see clearly said (damage) or (effect)"
Like how the effort was really strong to downplay or create a narrative of the Vegas shooting. Single shooter my ass. I heared talking guns. For transparency and knowledge. 5.56 Nato is indeed a ball "round" that is designed to tumble and tear human flesh once it penetrates the human body. However, its only engineered to do as such, when massive amounts of energy is taken from the round. I.E. body armor. 5.56 has excellent penetration. It would of gone right through the bodies into the floor or wall. .223 has less penetration and energy but it is similar to 5.56. At that distance it should behave very similar to 5.56.