Anonymous ID: 849700 March 18, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.5755943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6073

>>5755637 pb

"How might 'transparency' [DECLAS] fit into the dialogue?"

After RR is finished testifying, He is supposed to be leaving his job; like now.

Then there is closing off the South Borden to squelch their money supply?

After their money stopped flowing, they run out of options.

Then Mueller report?

[RR] leaving is supposed to go right along with Mueller Report.

Then Declass and Unredact.

Then House comes down

Rearrangement of Congressional Power because spy ring will be revealed.

Then deeper into spy ring.

DWS / Awan

How they will break all this to the public is the big question?

I'm interested to see how the movie unfolds.

The movie the Cabal wants is for Potus to get 'taken out" that's obvious [pic related 'BullWorth"]

We're told POTUS is safe because of the Military guards and the last stronghold of the Cabal [in USA?] is Mass Media?

There does seem a grid lock.

We'll see how that gridlock broken.

Comey is still out there with the creepy tweets.

POTUS will have the power to go after them after he has tolerated so much gross and undeserved abuse.

Anonymous ID: 849700 March 18, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.5756050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6064 >>6088 >>6144


>Why push "lone gunman" narrative every single time, instead of admitting the attacks were carried out by a team of people? Easier to scare the fuck out of everybody that one person did all this? Scarier that way? "


You must believe it is one lone unexplained 'crazed gunman' [guffaw].


You may never get close to the idea it it possibly could be a conspiracy involving a group of criminals.

You know that never happens.

Too many people would have to know about it.

No such thing.