Anonymous ID: 099111 March 18, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.5759689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5755165 lb

Comments like Warrens comprising the dangerous "White Nationalist" lie have got to be confronted now anons. Since the internet/social media and so many truth sites are disappearing before our eyes, soon only their lies will remain. Currently digging and working on materials for memes to the board, but time is a constraint with work fagging.

Bottom line–White Nationalism is a ruse. Islam and Nazism are twin Masonic Orders created by Luciferic Rome/Vatican whose occult dogma goes back to Babylon and Egypt.


In an evidence based reality, Nazism should be connected in everyone's mind to:


Zionist Templars/Masonry,

Satanists like Blavatsky,


Martin Bormann's Globalist Financial Network>The Nazi Internationale>NWO,

Werner Von Braun's rogue Space Programs/Government Black Ops taken directly from the Nazi Internationale's plans for World domination culminating through FAKE ALIEN INVASIONS

Nazi's Identical Twins–the Muslim Brotherhood and Mossad.


And so..much…more


Time to put the lies to rest! They perverted the true origins and meaning of Scandinavian Uthark Runes (Now "Futhark") and made up false Aryan mythos for themselves to perpetuate future narrative and create pretense for the Rothschild headed Masonic conquest of Israel and a forever wrap up smear on Celtic and European peoples.


Now all the Globalist Orders have to do is stage violent acts, and spew decades of propaganda and revisionist lies projecting their own evil agenda to subjugate the rest of us.

All the muh jew shills here are serving the occult propaganda war.

Dig, post and fight!


Related Nugget:

It was over thirty years ago that a young United States Army officer, John Loftus was sent to help train Israelis for covert operations that helped to achieve victory for Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. During the Carter and the Reagan Administration up to the year of 1982, he worked as an assistant Justice Department prosecutor investigating for the Attorney General of the United States on the CIA cases relating to the Nazi War Criminals. This allowed him top secret security clearances to access high security files in such secret intelligence areas as NATO Cosmic, CIA codeword and other top secret nuclear files. In his research he uncovered what eventually was exposed in an Emmy Award for outstanding investigative journalism, a 1982 expose for “60 Minutes” of the Nazis who remained on the US government payroll.



In an article titled “The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi and Al-Qaeda”, John Loftus outlined his quest to understand the origins of The Muslim Brotherhood in a talk printed in the Jewish Community News on October 4, 2004. ""He was on assignment to research the Nazi that he was assigned to prosecute for the US Attorney General. To access this information he went to the twenty one-acre underground vaults in Suitland, Maryland situated east of the Washington National Cemetery outside of Washington, D.C. Here is where the top secret files of the U.S. government are buried in the National NARA's Suitland FacilityArchives and Record Administration (NARA) and the Washington National Record Center (WNRC)."" Like the vault in the movie, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, here is where our story begins.