my Diet Coke causing you issues there friend
my Diet Coke causing you issues there friend
Why would Zero be Mar 20 and not October 28th?
Logic, there are no time lines, We just had a count down and it was for FF for them to expend ammo. You use the end of that count down to start another. If you like numbers and that kewl wouldn't it be better to understand 11:11 and how Trump is using that against occult.
the Bible is the Bible, If you want to talk commentaries of the Bible do that. But this is just plain a mess founded on a false idea.
amen and not worry about another count down
Numbers matter everything matters, the issue is this. What is Q's mission, to cut off the funding to the cabal and the 13 families. No money, no power. That is where effort is needed not in prediction that is the clock.
any time q happy to engage "I yam what I yam"
Nah the mission is numbers just one number that is tracked is percentage behind Trump 50/50 will not cut it.
Muh weed, try the sober life and live.
you ever notice that the list it helps are always the list of chronic conditions, hmmmm why is that do you think if you think?????????????
You mean like Brazil just welcomed Soros and Halburton in with open arms and started the deep drill oil field off coast that made Venezuela so important.
You do know winter is coming to Venezuela and Children are really starving to death. They have shipped tons of Gold to Russia and Madero himself was in Forbes saying socialism and him personally had made Venezuela a mess. Now that you see that Trump is pushing exit from Syria and Russia is backing out of Venezuela slowly YOU think China and Russia trust each other and are in bed together. What would be a Mutual interest between China and Russia ? China has no oil and is busy in South Africa, Russia is a net exporter of oil. think JFK and trade to keep missiles out of Cuba with Trump and Putin
Truth in post is there for all to see. I will always respond with truth where gospel is involved. The sword can penetrate to those chosen. The one's God's wants to open the eyes of. Out of all those in your list I choose what I responded to.
once you have trampled under the gift of grace their no longer is any hope for you! Good luck when you meet Him face to face.