Anonymous ID: 2a01b7 March 19, 2019, 11:38 p.m. No.5786248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>5785236 (LB, reefer madness idiot)


> When you're pushing 25% its going beyond what normal people can handle.


How exactly do you define "what normal people can handle?" How do you define "normal people", for that matter? And what do you mean by "can handle?" Many first-time smokers can get floored and experience strong auditory hallucinations even smoking mid-grade strains or eating brownies made with cannabutter extracted from dry, weak crap. Like with all psychoactive substance, a sitter is strongly advised for inexperienced users, as is carefully testing to establish an "enjoyable" dosage level that avoids anxiety and other typical problems associated with over-smoking. But even powerful strains at potency levels like 25% can be "handled" by the uninitiated if the dosage is kept small enough.


> It's a serious issue. How strong is too strong?


Who in fuck's name are you to declare that it's "a serious issue?" People are not dropping like flies or engaging in rampant crime sprees and domestic abuse because they smoke strong weed. They may be eating all their snacks a little too quickly and spending too long on netflix and\or youtube, but those are extremely preferable to the common behaviors of alcohol abusers.


> Do we drink pure alcohol because of the %?


That is not a remotely apt comparison, as Alcohol and Cannabis act on the brain and body in completely unrelated ways. It's also worth mentioning that it is impossible to ingest a lethal dose of Cannabis because the LD would be many times the subject's body weight. No one has EVER died from Cannabis poisoning, period. Alcohol, on the other hand, kills many thousands every year. Taking "way too much" Cannabis may result in an intense experience or one that the user might consider unpleasant, but has never directly caused a single death.