tis a good lesson for you to learn about the folly of being a red-piller or some kind of hero shining a light into darkness. leave people's minds alone.
if they ask, tell them.
if they don't believe it, let them disbelieve it.
this q-trip is a psy-op against the Deep State. it's a mindfuck to the cabal.
we q-anons are the parasites hanging like barnacles onto the whale and enjoying the ride. q never releases info that isn't already in the public domain.
q does not break the law.
q drops hints & crumbs that by themselves do not add up to proper leaks.
this is all a psy-op against political evil.
q points to where the dirty secrets are and we anons dig them up and hold them up into the light on social media.
but really, anons should not be losing any sleep over this war amongst the political elites, nor should they be ignoring their family or chores. there will NEVER be a time in your life when the wars will be over.
the wars amongst the rich & political will continue for 1000s of years to come.
so if you're waiting for some sort of Hollywood ending to this whole q thing and Deep State bullshit, you'll be waiting long past your death of old age.