>>5786357 >>5786381 >>5786399 OB
Facebook immediate detection of NewZ Shuter vid.
>In a statement, Facebook added that no users reported the video when it was being streamed live, but it was first flagged about 12 minutes after it had ended. Facebook users then viewed Tarrant’s original posting of the video about 4,000 times before it was taken down.
>But a copy of the video was made and an 8chan user posted a link — causing it to spread beyond Facebook, the statement said. Also, Facebook users tried to upload the video about 1.5 million times, the company said. About 1.2 million of those attempts were blocked before it could be uploaded. Facebook said it used audio technology to track the variations of the video and take them down.
Well, now, FB (or someone) just told the world how to download the vid. Without audio. Pics must be more difficult.
If so, the vids that did download successfully were with altered audio or no audio. Stripping the vid of some of its "tells".
But pics work better. Screencap the key bits and pieces. Very hard for FB to detect these if unaccompanied by text?
Of course, the orig vid is vital evidence. One way or other. And stripping audio off the vid may be just what they need for mass distribution via non-compliant web users. Disproportionate volume of edited versions means … ? Plausible deniability.
So how to earmark an original stream? Archived unaltered? NZ Anons are up against it on this one. Moar trouble than worth, Anons? IDK.