What a bunch of shit. Nobody's panicking. And you are supporting and cheering on a tyrant who would overthrow all Democratic processes and institutions in your country and instill totalitarianism. He would get rid of your Constitution, and that Constitution is where all your rights are located. Even the right to be here, now, spewing your lies and bullshit. I suppose you imagine that he would be a benevolent leader to you and you would have everything you wanted because he dog whistles to you making you believe he's on your side. And you would be 100% wrong. And by then it would be too late. Donald Trump hasn't done anything for The Regular Guy since taking office he has only coddled the very wealthy and corporations. He might say the changes he's making and the regulations he's killing are for your benefit but they are not. They are helping his businesses. He is lining his pockets and he could not care less about anybody else. I almost hope you're shithole country does Fall so you will get everything you deserve. A nice hard lesson.
Isn't that typical? Find a typo and jump on it but whatever you do don't take in any knowledge or information that would actually benefit you. I'll have your dumbass know I'm on speech to text and I don't particularly care about the spelling because you should be able to get the actual message but apparently you're too thick. You are A non reasoning illogical stupid bunch of people. Let Donald Trump take complete power. I will enjoy every minute of watching you suffer under it.
You give away your fear and ignorance when you do that. Only a fool despises wisdom and Truth. You have so many pre-recorded comebacks for anybody who says something you don't want to hear or you're afraid to know. You are stupid cattle and I hope you are all slaughtered.