I am pretty much with you, with a key difference. I am giving up.
There was a very serious fight in the deep state, between Mil-Intel-POTUS-Q vs Cabal-Clowns-TPTB.
The issue is that the 'good guys' lost. Whether comped (POTUS certainly is not above reproach…he was in fact banging a washed up porn star while Melania was home with Baron, there could well be many more bits of leverage) or beaten, or 'The Plan' we never got any details of had flaws, or was effectively countered, or Trump and Q was too (((civic nationalist))) to do what was necessary.
In war, the one willing to go further has tremendous advantages. We know 'they' have no limits. Raping children on film is considered good kompromat rather than an abomination.
We know POTUS and Q have artificial limitations (((impoed))) on them. They fought and lost. Now they need us to keep fighting a losing war to get them better surrender terms.
They're trying to find a way to make peace with the swamp that does not entail the entirety of Trump's bloodline being destroyed. He is trying to surrender rather than being destroyed. Look at the facts through that framework and see if almost everything doesn't snap into place for you.
No arrests make sense? Obvious criminals cashing big checks on their book tours? Several people close to POTUS doing time? Mueller was supposed to be done before the election, still hanging out there? RR still around? Still in Syria? Talk of getting into VZ? No border wall? Surges of illegals being released? No exec action on anchor babies? Podesta's off the hook for the same crimes Manafort doing time?
If Trump could get decent terms, he would go to Appomattox to sign. But they beat him. The penalty is destruction of his line. So he has no choice but to keep fighting a losing battle. His last chip is to destroy us too.
Q…please prove me wrong. Show us Clinton being FBI SWAT team raided like Stone or Manafort. Publicly flip HRC or BHO's lawyers like Cohen. Podestas doing time. Hell, at this point, arrest Lois Lerner for her crimes. But you can't. Because the Cabal beat you.