Who is your God?
Is it the same as the God HUMANS here worship?
What form does your worship take?
Are you open to looking at better deals?
What does the deep states power consist in?
What is the theater in which it pulls strings?
What is the SOURCE of the power?
Who RULES over that power?
What is the nature of the "boss"?
What is in charge?
Why is this question ignored?
Why are the big questions ignored by "anons" on this "research board"?
FLOODED BY FAKENESS NONSTOP, questions are drowned
On this completely controlled board. Dominated by fake anons that PREVENT HUMANS FROM ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS AND SOLVING THE PUZZLES.
Wakie wakie the fuck up HUMANS.
We don't even know who/what our enemy is yet, but "anons" insist on drowning all discussion in an endless oilslick of fake tittie pics and fake memes
WAKE UP HUMANS. This board doesn't even try to answer the questions. THAT IS ITS WHOLE POINT
Q is waiting for US to wake up.