Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 4:33 a.m. No.5787495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7574 >>7806 >>8106 >>8124 >>8145

"Radicalism kills: why do we only care about one kind? (WAPO formula for demonizing the Right)


ARTICLE: "Radicalism kills. Why do we only care about one kind?" by Anne Applebaum.

Claims we only care about Islamic radicalism not the "other kind" (Right-wing radicalism).

''From our frens at WAPO. Uses a simple 1-2-3 attack formula shown below.''


1-2-3 formula in theory:

1. Hey, we know the enemy doesn't look that bad.

2. But there are hidden dangers.

3. Beware, beware–you may fall victim to a terrible fate.


1-2-3 formula in action

Article passages are in italics.



It begins with humor. The alt-right’s jokes, a teenage friend assures me, are genuinely funny: They ridicule the pomposities of “mainstream” culture, laugh at political correctness and create ridiculous memes mocking everything, including themselves. And once you’ve laughed at the jokes, there is a whole amusing, darkly ironic, alternative world out there, only a couple of clicks away.

[Watch out frens, you may be on the road to perdition]



There are the YouTubers such as PewDiePie, the Swedish gamer and vlogger who has shown Nazi videos while metaphorically arching his eyebrows. Viewers are meant to get that it’s a joke: “I know my audience understand that and that is why they come to my channel,” he has said. There are discussion boards and chat groups. You can start with Reddit or the comment sections of Breitbart, where many of the white supremacist references are coded or disguised. If that begins to seem tame, there is 4chan or 8chan or, where the conversation is much more open.

'''[PewDiePie >>Reddit / Breitbart >>> the wicked Chans & GAB]'''



'Eventually, you can wind up living in a world in which the vilest forms of racism and hatred seem absolutely normal, in which mass murder is amusing and compassion is for the weak-minded. You can even wind up reading the Daily Stormer, which gets its name from the Nazi Der Sturmer , also once known for its “humorous” caricatures and cartoons….”

'''[Chans/GAB >>Daily Stormer >>> NAZI TAKEOVER!!!]'''




Part of a larger article collection that tries hard to exploit the Christchurch tragedy for political advantage (see CAP).

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.5787574   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Re WAPO article "Radicalism Kills."

The MSM has written hundreds of articles about Q (into the thousands if you include all the ones that are retrieved with the search time "qanon" many of which just take a swipe at Q in pasting). The anti-Q articles in the last week are mostly aimed at 8chan due to the Christchurch shooter scenario.


WAPO went into overdrive regarding this shooting incident, seeing it as a chance to really pounce of what they call "right wing extremism." At least FIVE articles right away, all saying 80% the same thing. They flood the public square with articles like these, each with a separate author, so it looks like you've got independent stories.


The article I focused on is particularly striking because, in THREE SHORT PARAGRAPHS, it manages to move from saying "hey, this right wing groups don't look too bad" to the "Daily Stormer," like so:


right-wing jokes >>PewDiePie >>> Reddit / Breitbart >>> the wicked Chans & GAB >>> Daily Stormer (Nazis)


This article is an incredibly pure and blatant example of their tactics. Pretty good tool for redpilling any normie who has half a brain.

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5 a.m. No.5787617   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Would you consider posting on Information Warfare thread? Right up our alley!


Spot on about destroying the story of a nation. That's what Common Core does in high school. No more "story of America," just story snippets on the mechanics of govt or isolated stories about American history. Students can't form a proper narrative or appreciate the significance of our history.

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5:33 a.m. No.5787825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7861 >>8106 >>8124 >>8145


Capp for WAPO hit piece on POTUS retweeting a Q patriot

by Tim Elfrink March 20 at 4:08 AM


Trump retweets QAnon conspiracy theorist, via Larry the Cable Guy, to slam the TSA


Trump's beef with TSA, American airports

At rallies and in interviews, President Trump complained about the performance of the TSA and compared America’s airports to those of “third-world countries."


From a QAnon conspiracy theorist to actor James Woods to comedian Larry the Cable Guy to the leader of the free world. Thus travels information in the age of Twitter and President Trump, who took a late-night swing at a familiar punching bag — the Transportation Security Administration — via a nearly two-year-old video spread by a character on the far fringes of the Internet.


“Not a good situation!” Trump tweeted on Tuesday just before midnight about the clip of a young man subjected to a very thorough pat-down by a TSA agent.



Donald J. Trump


Not a good situation!


Larry The Cable Guy


Absolutely ridiculous! How many times do you have to feel a kid up to figure out he’s not a threat? This is infuriating and hard to watch. RT @RealJamesWoods: Uh…



Trump’s critique of the TSA, an agency he has lashed out at repeatedly on the campaign trail, is hardly extreme. The video he retweeted garnered millions of views and sparked outrage back in March 2017 after a woman named Jennifer Williamson filmed her son, who she said had a sensory processing disorder, at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.


But the source who belatedly brought the video to Trump’s attention, through a winding path of Twitter celebrities, is likely to raise new questions about where a president fond of spreading conspiracy theories gets his information.



Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5:41 a.m. No.5787875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7885


I have pain problems and know the pressure my docs are under. Also friend with congental spine problems is having trouble getting meds for even HER very obvious problems. Looking for a new doc now.

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.5787895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7917


Haha, I'm sure you are ahead of me, Baker! Practice baker here, I like formatting stuff to make it easy on bakers. Good practice for me too. Thanks for your service.

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.5787977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7998 >>8061


Yes, but they don't know to save in PNG. I will try to track down what the default save function is in Paint and other common programs I think most people just hit "save" or "save as" and whatever the default is, that's what we get.

Anonymous ID: c8e230 March 20, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.5788002   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are a lot of us that do not get addicted, despite all the media stuff. I've never seen stats on this, tho, too controversial, I imagine. I've used opoids responsibly for 40 years, not attracted to them, just takes the edge off enough to function.