Can you find me biographical information on RC? Parents? I see a book by a “Ray Chandler” about “Evan Chandler” and “Jordan Chandler”, but I can’t find proof these people are related to Rachel.
These are the facts: go find them, ez.
Late 90’s - Trump banned Epstein from maralago
Early 2000’s - Trump gave comments to NYmag for an Epstein biopic, and if you read between the lines they were thinly veiled threats and shots across the bow .. a true “new york backhand”
Later 2000’s - Trump voluntarily gave testimony against Epstein to investigators
Trump’s phone numbers were in Epstein’s book (who cares, all billionaires probably have the other’s phone numbers)
Trump was not in the flight logs
Epstein’s BROTHER “claimed” Trump rode on his jet “at least once”
Just the facts.