I demanded that the FBI not stage a coup to attempt to slander and unseat a duly elected President.. two guesses as to how that worked out…
yeah no you are right .. the FBI is on our side… ARE YOU THINKING? back to voat.
fbitips.. Q's last drop.. do try and keep up dumbfuck.
sauce that shes ever actually done anything to anyone tho .. I mean ACTUAL EVIDENCE? Be better than (((them))) anon
hang em with no evidence… you dont belong here.
um its a little late for that right gold star? kek .. bye
welcome newfag… thats not how this works. there are two sets of rules.. one for us and one for (((them))) here.. we get to watch.
probably not
been here forever.. nothing ever happens.. if you think critically fags call you a shill .. its a racist message board that claims to be a unifier… if you take it all at face value its hilarious.
go find me the law on the books that covers prosecuting shills hahahahahaha .. you simple fuck
you are preaching to the choir dude… cant believe we are digging on Pizzagate again .. and Q is literally telling us to contact the FBI.. the very same fucking FBI that we have been establishing is corrupt as fuck here for years.
To literally ANYONE but the corrupt fucking FBI .. thats how lol you gotta be new as fuck
Reminds me of Bernie .. "we gonna destroy the establishment wait whooops vote for the establishment… "
Q "The FBI is corrupt and tried to steal the election from Trump… wait whoops REPORT ALL CRIMES TO THE FBI."
how dumb do they think we really are?
These kids dont even know the name of Ray Chan, And Bill and Hill still out free holding hands. Even when Q says Days it dont mean Days on 8chan. Fuck saving the kids lets play puzzle games on the LAN
cause if there is ONE thing we have learned kids.. its that we can totally trust the FBI.
Hey shithead.. dont forget to trust the FBI kekkkkkk
Yes .. I forget everything is puzzle games.. cant just come out and say it .. restore some faith in the fucking institution … nah .. puzzle games seems like a better plan.
That NK summit in Nam tho .. planned so far in advance.. what a good movie wait whooooops… GLORIOUS.. forget about that ..looky over here at some old ass pizzagate shit…
Release the evidence and arrest them??? Or I guess we could play puzzle games online and hope for the best… either way.
Tell that to the SWAT guy wearing the Q patch that got fired and delivers Jimmy Johns now .. I dont think the back end is as robust as you think kek
yeah .. but back end is back end… you gonna sit here and tell me they would let that guy get fired but then answer your call? kek
and is it truly gone???