Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.5814545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4771

NJ Governor Signs "Rain Tax" Bill; Residents' Property Rates Rise "Based On The Weather"


In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New Jersey will now be taxed when something 100% out of their control happens. New Jersey’s governor Phil Murphy signed 19 bills into law on Monday, one of which, was the so-called “rain tax.”


Unfortunately, there were supporters of this tyrannical and wholly dictatorial law. Dubbed S-1073, supporters call it “flood defense,” and say it will serve as a long-needed tool to manage flooding and dirty runoff from rainwater. So there are actually human beings on earth who want others and themselves stolen from because it rains. There is nothing more disturbing that the current political path the United States is currently one. It’s downright horrifying, actually.


Government is downright evil and shameless when it comes to taxation. These pillagers of the public just sit around all day thinking and dreaming of events and things to tax. – Judy Morris Report


“Most importantly, it gives communities a way to access new resources in a fair and equitable manner, and invest in related benefits such as additional green space. We urge the governor to sign it,” said New Jersey Future’s Chris Sturm, who serves as the advocacy group’s managing director for policy and water, according to a report by Patch.


Some have criticized the bill (albeit, now enough) saying that it would impose taxes “based on the weather” which is an unfair system of stealing the money of others. Obviously, if you have any heart at all. It also gives the government much more power and more authority to steal more money by expanding what’s already an overly unfair burden (all taxation is “unfair”) on New Jersey residents who were saddled with several new taxes in 2019.


Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips has said the “rain-tax” bill permits local communities to tax “based on the weather,” and allows unlimited bonding and debt to be placed on the backs of property taxpayers. Not that bonding and debt aren’t already on the backs of the taxpayer, it is, but now New Jersey gets to carry the financial burden when it rains. “The last thing this state needs is more debt and another runaway tax. Especially one that taxes the weather” said DePhillips.


The so-called soft socialism of western nations is just an illusion. Western nations are bankrupt, their economies are disintegrating before their very eyes and the promises of lifetime pensions, welfare and healthcare are nothing more than propaganda lies that voters willingly drink. In the end, they will have nothing and be much worse off. Such is the fate of a person who votes for the police powers of the state to steal from another to give them what they want but never earned. –Judy Morris Report

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.5814608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Monsanto Asks Trump EPA to OK Drift-prone Pesticide on 90 Million Acres of Corn


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today it will consider allowing the highly drift-prone pesticide dicamba to be sprayed on up to 90 million acres of corn.


Dicamba is produced by Monsanto, which is now owned by Bayer. Drift from dicamba sprayed on cotton and soybean fields has damaged an estimated 5 million acres of crops, trees and backyard gardens over the past three years. That has prompted several states to restrict its use.


“Use of this dangerous, uncontrollable toxin should be banned, not expanded,” said Nathan Donley, a senior scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity. “With millions of acres of crops, orchards and natural areas already harmed by this volatile herbicide, Trump’s EPA should reject Monsanto’s self-serving request to dramatically escalate its use.”


Highly toxic dicamba products are designed for use primarily on crops genetically engineered to resist what would normally be a fatal dose of the pesticide. The EPA has already approved dicamba for use on genetically engineered soybean and cotton crops.


In 2016 the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved corn crops genetically engineered to survive dicamba. Today’s application seeks approval from the EPA to spray dicamba on genetically engineered corn. It also aims to establish legally permissible levels of the pesticide in food that people eat.


“Even after the EPA increased training for dicamba users, drift from this poison has killed 100-year-old oak trees and withered backyard vegetable patches and entire fields of non-GE crops,” said Donley. “Carelessly expanding dicamba use will spread its harm across the American heartland.”


Dicamba use also poses a significant threat to imperiled wildlife. A 2018 Center report found that more than 60 million acres of monarch butterfly habitat are projected to be sprayed with dicamba by next year. And today’s proposal to expand the use of dicamba to corn would expand the acreage of monarch habitat sprayed.


Dicamba can degrade monarch habitat in two ways. It can harm flowering plants that provide nectar for adult butterflies as they travel south for the winter, and it can kill milkweed, which, as the only food of monarch caterpillars, is essential for the butterfly’s reproduction.


Monarch butterfly populations have been hard hit by pesticides, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently considering whether to give Endangered Species Act protections to the iconic migratory butterfly.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.5814628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here


There is a saying attributed to the French banker Nathan Rothschild that “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Conservative opinion in the United States has long suspected that Rothschild was right and there have been frequent calls to audit the Federal Reserve Bank based on the presumption that it has not always acted in support of the actual interests of the American people. That such an assessment is almost certainly correct might be presumed based on the 2008 economic crash in which the government bailed out the banks, which had through their malfeasance caused the disaster, and left individual Americans who had lost everything to face the consequences.


Be that as it may, if there were a modern version of the Rothschild comment it might go something like this: “Give me control of the internet and no one will ever more know what is true.” The internet, which was originally conceived of as a platform for the free interchange of information and opinions, is instead inexorably becoming a managed medium that is increasingly controlled by corporate and government interests. Those interests are in no way answerable to the vast majority of the consumers who actually use the sites in a reasonable and non-threatening fashion to communicate and share different points of view.


The United States Congress started the regulation ball rolling when it summoned the chief executives of the leading social media sites in the wake of the 2016 election. It sought explanations regarding why and how the Russians had allegedly been able to interfere in the election through the use of fraudulent accounts to spread information that might have influenced some voters. In spite of the sound and fury, however, all Congress succeeded in doing was demonstrating that the case against Moscow was flimsy at best while at the same creating a rationale for an increased role in censoring the internet backed by the threat of government regulation.


Given that background, the recent shootings at a synagogue in Pittsburgh and at mosques in Christchurch New Zealand have inevitably produced strident demands that something must be done about the internet, with the presumption that the media both encouraged and enabled the attacks by the gunmen, demented individuals who were immediately labeled as “white supremacists.” One critic puts it this way,


“Let’s be clear, social media is the lifeblood of the far-right. The fact that a terror attack was livestreamed should tell us that this is a unique form for violence made for the digital era. The infrastructure of social media giants is not merely ancillary to the operations of terrorists — it is central to it [and] social media giants assume a huge responsibility to prevent and stop hate speech proliferating on the internet. It’s clear the internet giants cannot manage this alone; we urgently need a renewed conversation on internet regulation… It is time for counter-terrorism specialists to move into the offices of social media giants.”

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.5814668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4753

Pesticide chemicals saturate U.S. fresh produce, new tests reveal… 70% of fruits and veggies are contaminated with toxic chemicals


Despite the false propaganda of pesticide and herbicide producers who claim agricultural chemicals disappear after being sprayed on crops, a new research project from the Environmental Working Group has found that 70% of U.S. fresh produce is contaminated with pesticide chemicals.


All pesticide chemicals are toxic to life. Otherwise, they wouldn’t kill the living organisms that threaten crops. There is no such thing as a “non-toxic” synthetic pesticide.


The EWG’s research — released as the 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce— found that 92% of grocery store kale contains two or more pesticides. From the EWG’s announcement:


“We were surprised kale had so many pesticides on it, but the test results were unequivocal,” said EWG Toxicologist Alexis Temkin, Ph.D. “Fruits and vegetables are an important part of everyone’s diet, and when it comes to some conventionally grown produce items, such as kale, choosing organic may be a better option.”


Notably, the EWG’s report relied on USDA data which may be skewed in favor of pesticide producers, meaning the real severity of the pesticide problem across U.S. produce may be far worse than what is being reported. Here at Natural News, we have our own in-house mass spec laboratory for testing foods for pesticides and herbicides (see below for details).


Even if you take the USDA data as accurate, it means Americans are eating toxic, cancer-causing poisons at nearly every meal while food producers are profiting from the sale of toxic products that, much like smoking cigarettes, causes cancer and death.


P.S. We are going to announce public glyphosate testing services soon.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.5814710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719

Married New York billionaire and philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, 78, is accused of sexual harassment by six women who say he asked them to sleep with him and have threesomes while they courted him for donations (3 Pics)


A prominent New York philanthropist who is considered a titan in the Jewish community has been accused of sexual harassment by six different women.

Michael Steinhardt, 78, has been accused of asking women for sex, making inappropriate remarks about their bodies and fertility and offering them millions of dollars to let him set them up with other men in a series of scathing interviews published by The New York Times on Thursday.

Steinhardt, who is married with adult children, allegedly asked some women for threesomes and repeatedly asked them to sleep with him while they were courting him for donations.

He is also accused of berating the women if they were unmarried and suggesting that a young rabbi become his live-in mistress when she was 27 and he was in his fifties.

The billionaire, who made his fortune through hedge funds in the 1960s, has an 'obsession' with matchmaking in the Jewish community, friends say, and has given millions of dollars to Jewish nonprofits over the last several decades.

According to insiders, he is known to push single Jews into 'kissing, dating or marrying'.

He also pushes Jewish women into having children by offering them money or the use of a Caribbean home for them to conceive children in.

All of the women who have shared stories about him either came into contact with him through work or when trying to get a donation from him. They say they felt they had to tolerate his behavior or risk losing their careers.

Sheila Katz, the vice president of Hillel International, a campus organization for Jewish college students says he asked her to have sex with him and called himself the 'king of Israel'.

She had gone to his Manhattan office in 2015 to film an interview for a campaign when he started making inappropriate remarks.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.5814763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraqi Parliament Prepares to Evict US Troops


US military's presence in Iraq falling out of favor across several political blocs


In the wake of the ISIS War in Iraq, Pentagon officials will tell you what they’ve been saying all along, that America’s intention is to stay in Iraq, and that there is no consideration being given to leaving. It’s not clear the US has spoken to the Iraqi government about this, however.


While many Iraqis accepted the offer of help in the more desperate moments of the ISIS War, the US military has quickly worn out its welcome. Across a number of major political blocs in Iraq, there is growing consensus that the US, and indeed all foreign military forces, need to go.


This has been brewing for months. The Iraqis saw Trump’s visit to Iraq, during which he didn’t meet the Iraqi PM, as a sign of disrespect. That the Pentagon keeps insisting they’re staying in Iraq, without asking the Iraqis, only adds to the sense that the US isn’t really an invited guest in any real sense.


Hawks are already trying to spin this, as with everything else that doesn’t go America’s way in Iraq, as Iran’s fault. Iraq’s political scene is dominated by Shi’ite parties, and US officials have plenty of practice pretending that Shi’ite is just a fancy word for “Iranian” these days.


Yet this underpins one of the major reasons the US is on the outs with so much of the Iraqi parliament. US hostility toward Iran has meant practical hostility toward Iraqi Shi’ite militias who fought against ISIS and enjoy strong support from the Iraqi government. US ultimatums to disarm militias that are practically part of the Iraqi government have always come with the implied threat of the US leaving, when they never had any intention of doing so.


And now, when hostility to the Shi’ite militias has turned parliament against them, US hawks are still trying to spin this as proof of an Iran problem, In reality, the US and Iran have been backing the same parties in Iraq since 2003, and US discomfort with that fact has been consistently undermining their goals.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.5814849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>4975 >>4995 >>5071

Graham, Rubio, et al. are about to enact a gun confiscation bill that rivals anything in Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia.


My Open Letter To Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Et. Al


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin conducting hearings next Tuesday, March 26, on Senate Bill 7, the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019—otherwise known as a national “red flag” gun confiscation bill. The bill was introduced in the Senate by Marco Rubio (R-FL). If this gun confiscation bill passes the U.S. Senate, it will most certainly pass the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, and President Donald Trump absolutely WILL sign it into law.


I am writing this open letter to Senators Rubio and Graham, President Trump and the untold numbers of legislators, judges and lawmen that will be working together to facilitate and execute the confiscation of the arms of innocent American citizens—citizens who have not even been charged with a crime.


I have purchased a full-page ad in the capital city newspaper in my home State of Montana, the Helena Independent Record, in which the following letter will appear this Sunday, March 24. I urge readers to feel free to use, copy, promote, publish, etc., this open letter in an attempt to bring this information to the attention of as many people as possible.


The GOP faithful are mostly in denial about what Donald Trump and many Republican senators are up to. They refuse to acknowledge that Trump, Graham, Rubio, et. al are about to enact a gun confiscation bill that rivals anything in Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia.


If S.7 becomes law, NO gun owner (and that means YOU) will be protected from the seizure of their firearms. It will not matter that they have not committed a crime; it will not matter that they have not been charged with a crime; and it will not matter that they have never even threatened to commit a crime. And they won’t even realize that it’s happening until the SWAT team bangs on their door at 5am to seize their guns.


The letter below is an in-depth, passionate appeal to everyone involved to STOP S.7 from becoming law. The letter speaks for itself.


Again, I urge everyone to take this open letter and get it into the hands of as many people as you can. If the American people do not arise in massive numbers against this bill, it WILL pass. We are getting NO HELP on this from the NRA or the vast majority of so-called pro-Second Amendment Republicans. Ron Paul, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and a few others are trying to warn the American people about this communistic bill. But that’s about it.


I beg you, folks, distribute this open letter to your friends, your family members, your neighbors, your sheriffs, your chiefs of police, your legislators, your local judges—distribute this letter to EVERYONE. We don’t have much time. And I mean that literally.


[Begin my open letter to Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, et. al]


I know I am speaking for tens of thousands of my fellow Montanans and tens of millions of my fellow Americans when I say what I’m about to say.


“Red flag” gun confiscation laws violate every principle of liberty upon which our country was founded. There is no due process associated with “red flag” laws. A judge’s order to seize the firearms from an American citizen who has not been accused of a crime, charged with a crime, convicted of a crime—or who never even threatened to commit a crime—based on the accusation of a single individual is anything but due process.



Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.5814857   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As a legislator, you must not pass any semblance of a “red flag” law; as a judge, you must not issue a gun confiscation warrant on the basis of a “red flag” law; as a sheriff or chief of police, you must not order your officers to confiscate a citizen’s guns on the basis of a “red flag” warrant; and if you are a sheriff’s deputy or city policeman, you must not obey an order to confiscate your fellow citizens’ guns on the basis of a “red flag” law.


I beg you to realize what you are doing. I beg you to refuse to participate in this madness. I beg you to join your fellow churchmen, clubmen, neighbors, friends and townsmen and help us turn back this dastardly attempt to transform our constitutional republic into another repressive regime that, in the end, would require The People to tear it down.


Again, I beg you to think about what you are doing, about the pain you are causing, about the lives you are ruining and about the potential harm you are inflicting on our country.


“Red flag” laws are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of our Constitution, the wrong side of liberty and on the wrong side of the laws of God.


[End open letter]


And here is a short video of this letter on my YouTube channel. Feel free to share the video version of this letter as well.


Folks, please take this seriously. Our liberties—and maybe our lives—hang in the balance.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.5814960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spanish group warns me to take down images of Nxivm’s Mexican Attorney


Just days before the New York Times came out with their bombshell story about the branding of women – about four months after I first broke the story on Frank Report and Artvoice = I published a story of how a desperate Keith Raniere was trying to silence victims with Mexican attorney, Ruiz Duran.


I wrote, “Another day, another lawyer, and another threat. Alex Betancourt has retained another Mexican attorney to prosecute those who speak about DOS or say anything bad about Keith Raniere, NXIVM, or Executive Success Programs. He is Diego Ruiz Duran of Mexico City.


“NXIVM’s new lawyer, Diego Ruiz Duran, sent emails and certified mail to a group of Americans and Canadians yesterday…. Mr. Duran says his client, Mr. Betancourt, wants to put everyone in jail in Mexico for 36-hours or longer….


“There are 20-plus ‘suspects’, Americans and Canadians, Mr. Betancourt says, who aligned in a ‘destructive conspiracy’ to damage NXIVM etc.


“Here is the email … [His email address is included in case you want to write him.]:


“From: Diego Ruiz Durán <>

“Subject: State Attorney Directive

“Date: October 11, 2017 at 8:24:51 PM PDT

“To: [name redacted]


“Dear: [name redacted]


“My name is Diego Ruiz Durán and I am an attorney whose services have been engaged by NXIVN (sic) Mexico. I took the liberty of writing to you to let you know that the State’s Attorney´s Office in Mexico, has issued some directives against you and another individuals. Attached please find such directives which will also be presented to you via certified mail. You should know that I also took the liberty to translate such document to English for your understanding.


“Best regards,


“Bufete Ruiz Duran S.C.

“Andres Bello Numero 10 Piso 6

“Col. Polanco Del. Miguel Hidalgo

“Mexico D.F. C.P. 11550

“Tel. (52 55) 36010726, 5553 0223, 5286 0018

“Fax 36010601”


In reporting the threats of Ruiz Duran, I searched for some pictures and I found a gold mine of good ones showing the awesome lawyer in a variety of poses.


Naturally, I posted all of them – thinking a little comedy gold was in order – to lighten the mood of the threat and make those who were being threatened a little less frightened. The captions are mine, not his.

Anonymous ID: 69c335 March 21, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.5815002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mistake sees Christchurch suspect charged with murder of woman who turned out to be alive


The list of victims of the Christchurch massacre has become shorter, after it was found that one of the women on it is alive. The error will have no impact on the court process, police stressed.


The woman, whose identity was not disclosed, is merely described as “connected” to the Friday attack on the mosques.


“We have been to see her today [on Thursday] and apologized. The name was supposed to represent many victims and someone was just trying to do the right thing,” local media quoted Detective Superintendent Chris Page as saying. “We made a mistake and we will own it.”


The unfortunate error, however, won't affect the prosecution process, New Zealand police officials have assured.


“It was an administrative error, it will have no impact whatsoever on the court process, I understand it's been rectified. Let's bring this guy to justice,” Police Minister Stuart Nash told RNZ.


The charge sheet will be amended on April 5, when the suspect is set to face the court again. Aside from that, he will be slapped with a “bundle” of additional charges.


The worst shooting in the country's history occurred on March 15, when the suspect, identified as a 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, stormed two mosques in the city of Christchurch. The perpetrator live-streamed the carnage on Facebook and released a lengthy manifesto online, explaining his extremist views.