Anonymous ID: df4b19 March 21, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.5814355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From dead bread. Long live the bread.



>California has arrived in a modern Medieval era because too many live as if they are still in the Middle Ages. The waves of homeless — California has 25 percent to 30 percent of the nation’s homeless though it makes up only 12 percent of the U.S. population



Sorry, wrong.

Los Angeles and San Francisco ALLOW too many homeless fucks foul the environment as if the homeless have some right to pollute and dump human waste where ever they wish.

That is the issue in a nutshell. These shitties have had homeless for decadesl, and for the most part these hobos, bums, alcoholics, and drug addicts have kept a fairly low and fairly non-destructive lifestyle.

Two things changed that more recently.

Firstly, the illegal opiod epidemic created a massive draw for CA brand of abulance chasing doctors and lawyes. These unscrupulous twats set up a shit tonne of fly-by-night drug rehab centers and half way houses. They finagled the funding for these centers mostly from government (state and fed) drug treatment insurance (and hand out plans). They recruited drug addicts in all 50 states, got them transportation to the CA drug treatment fronts, then tossed them on the street when the insurance or handout money ran out. Many of these people were lived marginally in their home states to begin with. They had no hope of getting work or housing in CA, but at least the weather was good. But they swelled the ranks of the drug addicts who tended to live on skid row. Skid row, being quite small was overwhelmed-charities, soup kitchens, shitty daily (hourly) rental motels and sanitation facilities, so the fanned out across the city.


At the same time other groups of CA layers began suing cities for trying to deal with the problem rationally. However, the court rulings have basically said that before you can displace a homeless camp, you must offer public housing to them. Orange County's city's and county board, worked together, established centers for the homeless, went camp by camp offering housing, then arresting or shoo-ing the homeless that refused. This kept the sizes of the homeless centers and their costs to a minimum, as they only built housing for a camp at a time. Since acceptance rates were UNsuprisingly slow, the original investment often served well over 50% of taxpayer outlays.


Los Angeles and San Francisco did none of these things. Their first response (2nd third fourth) was to ignore the festering issue. Then when even friendly press began to question things, the cities claimed bullshit like "We don't have palces or money for all of these people". A non-sequitor given Orange Count (and other areas since). They also offered the standard leftist boilerplate:

These people are ALL of our problem. We can't brush it under a rug as others have (forgeting how long they tried just that)

We need to offer solutions that serve all of our Great City's RESIDENTS-not citizens-as many of the homeless are from out of state (country) and have doen nothing to officially establish residency. etc.


Sorry for the rant. Used to spend part of the year in CA. Sad to see this kind of ridiculous corruption occuring, especially when the costs of such bullshit is so alarming;.

Anonymous ID: df4b19 March 21, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.5814473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4527


>anyone have christchurch manifesto pdf?


>does Q have anything to say about it ?


>is it just a way to censor chns?

Chans self censor. "4chan /pol goes bananas" Was that image's original headline there.

We have Freddy, Q concern/FF/Larp-fags, FE-tards etc to keep out the riff raf while giving newfags easy targets to practice their skills.

Anonymous ID: df4b19 March 21, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.5814902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Islam - 'religion' of 'peace'


>What is wrong with that statement?

You left out:

"After killing the infidel and conquering earth, Islam is a religion of peace. Except for those splitters. Peoples' Front of Judaea—my ass.