Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.5815266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5291

>>5815013 (ALL pbs)

>This won't affect Trump at all one way or another.

Oh son, that's where you're wrong. If NO ONE was paying attention to the Israeli genocide of Palestinians then there would be no reason to pass a fucking LAW forbidding people to boycott Israel.




It's been so long ago I can't even remember what I named the files which I enhanced. Normies are already bad enough they won't be able to wrap their brains around this. The Normies already here are so devoid of autistism that they can't connect a to b. Wondering what the fucking point is anyway…and why the board was down for ten minutes.


I know all about fucking Greater Israel. I also know they're fucking snatching more land. And this will hurt him in the election. I positively loath Israel. And so does everyone else who is not a religitard. ISRAEL destroyed Syria with ISIS (along with US help, that's bad enough) instigating mass migration to ruin Europe. And here's Trump cheering this shit?


All I have to say about that is FINISHED.


HOW the fuck many people did ISRAEL/US aka ISIS just murder over the past years so Israel could get their kikey mitts on Golan Heights?

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.5815418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5454


I suppose asking why this wouldn't bother anyone is just a waste of time. GENOCIDE of an entire people and as long as it's not jews everyone is like..MEH not jew so who cares. COUNTRY destroyed and that's OK? SRSLY?


I won't vote for him again. I don't care if there isn't anyone else. This country is fucked anyway, and as if you can't tell already…you lot got 100% fooled here by Q. Israel is last. Right. AND the band played on.


IF you were expecting any of the hundreds of jews in your pedo hunt to ever be prosecuted, joke's on you.

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.5815529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5588 >>5626


I can assure you that my feelings on Israel and their genocide of Palestinians is not a unique position, neither am I isolated. Aside from jews and xians, people, in genearl, hate fucking Israel and what they've done. Anyone with a damn conscious should.


How the flipping fuck can ANYONE moan abut the holohoax and then turn around and cheer Israel's genocide of the Palestinians? No one I'd fucking care to know.


WHY doesn't Israeli control of US government make YOU mad? Why doesn't the complete destruction and attempted regime change of Syria make YOU mad? ALL for that kike country that moans and groans over hangnails and blackmails the world, sends endless migrants to replace native European populations and you're like…MEH…ok with me.

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:38 p.m. No.5815625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5784


After Trump's cheering about Palestinian genocide and Syria's destruction I couldn't give fewer fucks about the fucking "plan" as I have been suspicious all along about Israel having something on Trump. I didn't see how he, and he alone could have escaped, but I wanted to believe he had. I wanted to believe and that's why I was here. I saw Q's Israel is last when this place used to be populated by JQ educated autists.


Last, right. After they've destroyed Jordan? Lebanon? I see the Greater Israel plan is in full swing with Trump's full support. I don't even know how to word how bad that feels.


I had always intended NEVER to play a role, to stand my ground against what I see is happening, what I know from "connections" what the blackmail plan is…Trump is being controlled and blackmailed. They got something on him just like they have shit on anyone anywhere who can give them money and shill for them.


WHY is Congress working to make it a LAW that we have to give aid to Israel? WHY are they passing laws against boycott?


CONTROL fuckers, control. If you're on board with that because Q is dangling Pedo arrests (most of which are jews and or controlled by jews) and you still believe that shit?


Talk about control.

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.5815701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5718


FUCKINA…what an absolute fucking retard.


WHO the fuck wrote your "bible"? WHO the fuck chose themselves? SRSLY religitards of all abrahamic religions are killing the world.


ISRAEL is fucking demonic. And I want nothing to do with any fucking "god" that sits back and watches his "chosen" commit genocide. Nah brah, that religious shite don't float for people who can actually THINK.


(((THEY)) fucking hate you, do you know that? GOY? All you are to them is a fucking useful idiot brainwashed into supporting them because they fucking chose themselves.

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.5815775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5794 >>5809


> so angry that someone has a different belief

If anyone's beliefs cause mass genocide I'm gonna have a fucking problem with it. I suppose that's why the religitards give it a pass, cause their sky fairy said…Thou Shalt not kill (except when I tell you too, that's ok because I'm pissed and shit.).


How can anyone sit there and WOE IS MEEE over the holohoax and then say..well guise they have to kill the Palestinians because jeebus can't come back unless we build him a new house.

What level of retard does it take to actually believe that?

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.5815814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5830


KIKES have been running TD for ages. I should have known back when it became "illegal" to say a word against Israel (auto ban) or even question the policies, that Q was a fraud shilling hope while Israel finished their dirty work. If it were not I cannot see TD being permitted to be so controlled that you cannot even MENTION an Israeli policy you disagree with without being banned.


TD is KIKE modded and this whole shite? Kikearama…"these people are stupid".


You've been doing nothing but going in damn circles. LOL NOW reposting Ray Chandler? REALLY?

Anonymous ID: 68dded March 21, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.5815858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5861 >>5866 >>5884


Well, while we were sleeping here sniffing Q's ass…we lost the war. Either Trump is being blackmailed or he was NEVER ever on our side. MIGA.


And each time I ask how it is possible JAVANKA were photographed partying on David Geffen's yacht (read KING kike, king pedo, murderer, the worse of all possible humans) and TRUMP has no idea?


That picture just ruined any hope I had. IF they knew they would have, if any sort of decent people, NOT been partying on his yacht. AND there wouldn't fucking be CRICKETS every time I ask about it.


We've been had lads. His daughter let a moile suck the dick of her baby boys. That's enough.