A few breads back, some Anon claimed that he wrote a script for 10K page requests and the counter jumped by that amount. Not sure if true or not but if the counter can be duped, it's worthless.
Can we please call more attention to the fact that the Qmap counter is comped
>after thinking for a while i thought:
>what, if this is not the number for UNIQUE VISITORS, but PAGE REQUESTS?
>so i wrote a small script to send 10k requests to qmap.pub - the counter increased in a few minutes by 10k!
What years are covered by those flight logs. She's only 30 now IIRC. If she was a minor at the time of the flight, they would not have logged her.
Epstein's handler, Ghislaine Maxwell. You know, the one in the lawsuit we are all watching for the unsealing of court papers???