Rather than shit up the bread with buns I'll drop one multi-grain breadcrumb here. Looking at past notables some issue scream a reply for clarification-
sssshhhhh don't say that too loudly as the demonrats running for president will cry, "Let's start here for reparations" !
Then Elizabeth Warren will chime in as it starts with the slaves, the First Nation Americans should tell everyone else to get in line- rightfully.
Reparations should start with releasing Leonard Peltiere and making him whole again for an outrageous set up in the 70's.
HARVARD should release those photos yet with all the admissions scandals one wonders what else they are covering up- might it be sex scandals or NXVIUM affiliations or is that just for Yale Sororities?
Harvard requires a deep dive.
>>5814442 (/pb) Same carpet, Blood stains must be easy to hoover up.
I mentioned the blood (or lack thereof) in a
(/pb) >>572489 so let me add from my years in wading ankle deep in the stuff during trauma surgeries that blood coagulates and pools like a gelatinous glob that can be swept, scooped, or dust-panned up. What's left (stain) pore peroxide on it to lift the protein molecules. Then carpet scrub. Eventually it can be presentable yet the telltale can always be seen (unless bleached perhaps) by a forensic light.
I was perplexed by the lack of blood smears/smatters I would expect to see at an alleged carnage such as that because even a moved/moving body leaves trails and smears. Even of death is instant, like water finding its balance/flow- so do fluids looking for an exit. I'm not sure if lividity had set in yet when these bodies got piled up. Again- one body smeared to another cannot be avoided.
Look way too clean.
Last but not least
These states with legislators who have nothing better to do than pitch a bill (thinking you earn your salary?) to block POTUS/TRUMP form getting on a state ballot for 2020 is stupid, inane, and challenge-able.
I'm sure the WH attorneys have a handle on this- or Q and team.
What I didn't see on the board yet and this is a valid argument AGAINST this ridiculous attack on voters and Trump is a simple factoid:
Art ll Sec 1 clause 5: Eligibility for president-
Income Tax did not exist in 1776, and only until 1913 was it applicable
Therefore and whereas: in 106 years no amendments to this article came forth regarding this issue. It should be nullified in all states that think they can control federal issues.
Tax return request are beginning to vary from state to state and would be prohibitive for any federal candidate to comply with 50 different amounts of returns be they 3-5-8-10 years of returns.
The bias is clear yet if pushed all voters should point out to their state representatives that Congress and Federal Senate should also be required to remit the same amount of returns as the presidential/VP candidates and should be retroactive to all sitting congress people.
In fact lets make that mandatory for all three branches-
SCOTUS before nominations, Congress before ballots, and of course executive.
lets see how popular that becomes. If it is good for one it should be good for all-
I called my state reps and put a call out to as many patriots as I could to attend a Town Hall on the 23rd- two days hence to have their Voices heard.
No one, I repeat, no state legislator will take my vote away from e without my consent!
good luck with the Constitutional amendments before 2020.