What I have found helpful is to totally discount/disregard anything I believe is a hard Q prediction. None have come to pass.
Either the drops didn't imply what I thought they did or they were bullshit.
I come for the hivemind and treat Q as a cheerleader, sometimes the conductor for the band.
On a personal note, it was more than unhelpful (and a major letdown), thinking something that should finally habben, didn't.
It's a sign of weakness to say "the ballot box is secured" - I believe it, and watch a significant number of elections be stolen. California alone wiped out most of the Republican house seats.
If "we are in control" heads should have rolled long ago. It wouldn't take much to send the message…perhaps an arrest related to whatever habben end to Seth Rich. Donna B as much as admitted shit went down in her recent book. She was so scared, because she has the inner knowledge of what took place, that she was closing her blinds/shutters at night. The result…….she's just been hired by Fox as a political commentator. What more do you need to know to understand our strength, or lack thereof?