I wish you where WRONG. But this is the clear direction that this social engineering is going.
I wish you where WRONG. But this is the clear direction that this social engineering is going.
>>Interesting how many of the people are connected to Bosnia and the Balkans.
Misery make those people in the Balkans very vulnerable. Now it is Ukraine that is being bleed dry.
I took a lot of time to figure out what to do with all the info and especially the pictures shared in all those Q drop.
Anon can do a few thing. First of all a few 100 of thousand eyes have seen them…. if not more.
Now I would like to make a plea to those in law enforcement who are monitoring this board
It's time to look at your old cold file. Search the database for those missing kids that are in those picture. I'm sure that it is possible to put a few name to those poor soul and maybe help theirs family in the process.
It's time for anon in law enforcement to step it up!
We anon have our limit. You have access to the missing person database in your respective jurisdiction. It's time to do some digging and to stop to look the other way.
No way Q and his team can deal with all of this using the "normal" law an order process. This as to start before the Presidential madness start!
For the time being the next Election are far from secured.
We as anon have our limits. We can only do so much to break the Hyper-normalization spell.
The normie know very well something is very wrong…. But hyper-normalization is a very real thing. For those who don't understand the concept let me explain it in simple term.
Example 9/11: It is obvious to ALL that all those building did not perfectly implode by accident. It is just impossible. BUT since all the (authority figure) around us, in the news, media, Politics etc…. Are telling us to believe the unbelievable. Nobody would dare say the contrary in public. And to prove the point some chosen people who go against the "Narrative" are publicly shame and ostracize. You know, just to intimidate the sheep.
The hyper- normalization spell is also very easy to break. The foundation for the spell is built on lies, repetition and intimidation. BUT it can only be Broken by the right kind of person. It can only be broken by people who are perceive to be in position of authority. And it as to be follow by "concrete" action. Once this is done the veil is remove pretty fast and the Normie will awaken without trauma. After all they knew all along. It's just that they where afraid to be ostracize from the herd.
This is why our effort on this board is limited to research. We are not the right kind of person to be able to break the spell. For that to happen Q and his team must be ready to reach the point of no return and actually start the public awakening process. Our role will be to assist the normie and help them make sens of it all.
TL;DR : Q and his team have to man the fuck up!
Impossible…. Law of probability oblige. How many can Trump dodge a bullet? How many time can the good guy succeed at preventing a world war, or even a poorly societal crash of some sort? (Here you need to expand your thinking)
Relax dude: Back in normie land people are very much still asleep. Don't let your own confirmation bias fool you. We all want the good guy to win OK.
I get what you are saying. I even understand it. I'm going to give you a 40 000 ft perspective that will explain why time is of the essence.
The Criminals the "Good Guy" are after don't really matter to those running the world. (13 bloodline) Those fucker and traitor in Q cross-air are all expendable and disposable. Theirs objective is to destroy the free world and to bring it under a global totalitarian government. Killing off a few billions people in the process.
Plan A was an orderly destruction of the free world……… This as been canceled. Plan B is not so orderly. Anyway Chaos will do just fine!
How many time can Trump dodge a bullet? (Remember the marine barrack incident this Christmas?) How many time can we successfully prevent a nuclear, biological, financial "incident"?
Time is ticking. The "Bad guy" are stalling for time……. Time to do what?