>A community of reactors which have the ability to sterilize the most populous cities of Brazil - Sao Paulo and Rio were a 3 Mile Island or Chernobyl level disaster to take place?
There are 3 biggies. You got 2. The third is Fuckushima.
Chernobl occured because a bankrupt, communist "Empire" ran the "shoulda been decommissioned decades ago" antique nuclear reactor at greater than 100% for far too long because they had no plan B.
Fuckushimaf occured because of Japan's slavish devotion to Keiretsu and a as yet unexplained rule change that forced nuclear power generators in Japan to store highly radioactive waste on site, far longer than is safe.
Three mile island occured but was contained.d The primary source of the incident was a design flaw for the primary instrument panel in the plants control room.
During the plant's construction and run time, analogue gauges were used to monitor just about everything, as they had been around a long time and far exceeded the sensitivity and accuracy of any other monitoring devices. The problem with the design was that, while all of the 40+ guages were operational, and the staff had plenty of knowledge and skill in reading them independantly, each and every gauge needle pointed a different direction during normal operation. When the shit hit the fan, it took the engineers quite some time to read each gauge, check whether or not that was a safe reading or not. After the incident, all such critical gauges were reinstalled such that the orientation of the gauges' readings scale were offset, so that all gauge needles pointed at `12:00 duiring normal operation.