didnt mean to put the ig pics there its guccihub pic related
daddy like
the model rai was at https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/296631998/grand-palace-bangkok/ and i realized its in fucking thailand a pedo country.
comedian brody stevens who was suicided by hanging recently did audience warmup for the crowd during the tapings of chelsea handler show
caved out mountains and slc daycare
>where are they now
one of the 16 q asked where they are now. I have been looking at their ig's to see. https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/16-models-to-watch-in-2017-as-predicted-by-midland-agencys-rachel-chandler-and-walter-pearce/all
please upload a zip or something
thanks was looking them up manually
Raimundo Langlois https://www.instagram.com/raimundolanglois/
Izzy Adams https://www.instagram.com/rlylonelybillionaire/
Malachai Spivey https://www.instagram.com/malachaispivey/ https://twitter.com/MalachaiSpivey
Rachel https://www.instagram.com/gingie_snaps/
Fran Summers https://www.instagram.com/fransummers/
Matt Unknown
Eva Varlamova https://www.instagram.com/evavarlamova/
$quid Nice https://www.instagram.com/squidnice/
Katie Unkown
Arselajda Buraku https://www.instagram.com/arselajdaburaku/
Alexandra Unknown
Britt Unkown
Maeve Whalen https://www.instagram.com/maevewhalen/
Thais Martins
Unia Pakhomova https://www.instagram.com/yuniya_p/
Veronkia Rusakova https://www.instagram.com/nikarusakova/
found this 2 days ago before all this and now rachel on her avatar has a poetic tidbit about the moonlight what is this the full moon sacrificing of peoples woman and children masonica?
what on earth?
they know the fucking evidence of gangstalking is piling up on their own media they thought it could never break the 4th wall fuck those pieces of shit faggot kikes of the lodge
fuck i have to use "rachael chandler" when searching without it you get the name rachael in other names in the result
oh god
easier for the normies harder for diggin