" Let them eat cake". Killary & Chelsea SAME & EXACT Marie- Antoinette moment. Those words are not the slip of the tongue. For someone whom's every action, wardrobe, every word, every gesture is planned in advance, those comments taken from Marie-Antoinette are not a slip of the tongue nor a coincidence. There arguments if the words were TRULY said by Marie-Antoinett, but that isn't important, because it's more like a figurative way to talk than a direct message. This a reference to how indiferent the beheaded queen was to the suffering of her people, regardless if those were truly her words or not. It points out how French monarchy was senseless and selfish, ignoring the hunger and suffering of their "citoyens"
"“That’s your opinion.”
That was Hillary Clinton’s Sept. 26 debate response to Donald Trump’s contention that “Your husband signed NAFTA, which was one of the worst things that ever happened to the manufacturing industry.”
"That is why Clinton’s dismissive remark was perhaps her biggest gaffe of the presidential election campaign so far, particularly when one takes a close look at the electoral map. She could have at least acknowledged the losses and the possibility that the trade deals played a role. Instead she dismissed the concern with hand waving akin to Marie Antoinette’s supposed saying, “Let them eat cake.” Very risky. The one thing she cannot afford to lose are any more union households that traditionally vote Democrat in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan, who are greatly concerned by the economic decline the U.S. is experiencing.
Again, not opinion. The economic slowdown is real."