Napoleon would be so proud….grapes of whiff
Don’t forget Bear Ears uranium
Utah was real touchy till the 70’s, now it’s a heroin junkie haven
All that copper processing has leached lead into their brains
Hmmmm… of the worlds stricter religions located next to the richest hole in the world
Religious utopia? I think not
You already have this in the US
You got nigger companies posting your info and your “score” as reported by other niggers…totally legal, anyone is allowed to post whatever they want without any checks
Before old Trump goes bragging about GDP
What is the “Standard of Living” in US currently?
GDP / Production
That’s how GHWB lost re-election….know your history
The Masons version of a “religious utopia”
Can I get a large cheese pizza and an 8 ball?
Mormons = White Muslims