>be clown/crisis actor
>"we will let you in the elites cult if you do as we say"
>be in coolest and sickest sekrit cult in town
>shit hit the fan for the sick cult
>"sorry we fucked up, we monitored your online activity (which we did this entire time) and found out that you're going to rat us out."
The classic. This also happens among narco subordinates but it's the police who kill them.
Watch out for the huge van parked on the other side of street or even police car. It's likely them, they also do it among dissidents and use heat camera to stalk you, or worse they could even harass you with never-been-seen technologies like a portable version of LRAD but if they're onto you then you might as well be dead few weeks later and it's "suicide". No the court/police/etc. won't help avenge your soul as they also belong to the same secret cult. Yeah, free masons are just old people obsessed with ornate rock decorations right??? guys????