You are a False jew a scum Ashkenazi, less than a dog in sexual relations with a donkey, you are such scum, you openly worship Lucifer in the Talmudic Teachings of the 77 books of the Demons you Pharisee, I hear you hiss your vile serpent tongue, Oh you of the line of Cain, you putrid, vile, disgusting, wretched pedophile, Satanist, Cannibal, rapist, slaver, money launderer of Cabal filth take your Khazar False Jew Ass Self to hell, Die in fire, and all you spew, you are filth, vile vomit, I piss on you and your Satanic teachings, to Hell with the Talmud, I have more blood right than the entire Nation of Khazar which Christ scattered to the winds, did your ancestors drown in the Red Sea like rats. Your Pharaonic ancestors rotting on the sea floor?!!!!! I laugh, the answer is Yes, Praise Jesus The Christ who drowned them all. Your anger is your undoing, Satanist. Fuck you, Kazack or Kurd which rhymes with Turd. You are vile filth I throw my shoe at your entire race. You are nothing, you repeat yourself. I rebuke you before the judgment throne of The one True God Jesus Christ. Eat shit, cuz your illumined ones do, so you also eat shit, practice your open love of men and be damned for it. The fires of Hell await you, repent and be saved or not, I hope you don't. Burn