no blood on my streets. maybe you shouldn't make the black kids angry honk honk. Funny I live in a small homogeneous town and we have almost no crime. Funny.
I worry about my kids, so ya I'm good. Stay triggered anon. served 12 years USN so dont assume I'm not a patriot.
damn u anons triggered as F.
ya I didnt dox myself. I said my town was small. I'm 400 miles from the border. Just because I live in a small close community doesn't mean anything. You post disgusting memes and spew hatred and filth. I am very active and aware that mass immigration is shifting the voting demographic. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy that white nationalist are the threat, while this goes on without a single riot. if this was a black child there would be riots. Try to grow up and think a bit. Take not it says Man arrested.