Anonymous ID: cc987c TREASONOUS DS BARR LET STRZOK OFF OF LEAKING SEALED SECRET FISA COURT DOC! BUSH DS AT WORK COVERUP!! May 31, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.6640460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558 >>0757 >>1078

Never forget….


Barr and Mueller BOTH ARE 100% linked to PAST DS Bush Family Crimes!


Mueller was appointed days after 911 to Cover up Bush's name from being exposed to be behind the towers falling and criminally covering up the Bush Famliy GAVE THE ORDERS!


And Barr? Remember, he also just happened to be in his AG position under who? Yeah, daddy Bush to COVER UP ALL HIS FAMILIES TIES!


When are all you brainwashed ones going to understand YOU ARE BEING LIED AND PLAYED?




You see, their was a Secret Agreement to HIDE ALL THE BUSH CRIMES, and ONLY CHARGE DEM's and HRC for everything! Barr was the "blackmailed" agreed upon America High Treasonous Lowlife to COVER THE BUSH CRIMES, LIKE 911 and the WALL STREET BAILOUT! DO YOU ALL SEE IT NOW?


And finally, WHO was the BUSH family tied to? Yeah GEORGE SOROS! Prescott Bush (GHW's Grandpa) was found GUILTY by CONGRESSIONAL COURT back in 1930s, of SUPPORTING A ATTEMPTED OVERTHROW OF AMERICA FOR HITLER! And Bush ordering the JFK shooting, who was questioned minutes after JFK was shot for hours, until HOOVER CALLED DALLAS PD and ORDERED THEM TO STOP TALKING TO HIM!? Think! Then years later, BUSH took over who's FBI position? Yeah - HOOVER!


Stay sleeping you clueless Americans!


Everyone knows this and IF BARR charges anyone, ALL THEIR MOST DEEPEST DS Secrets WILL TOLD! Thats all The DS Secrets EVERYONE KNOWS IN DS!


If Barr is NOT DS, why would he not charge High Treason Strzok with leaking the very fake Sealed Secret FISA Court Documents to CNN/NYT?


You see, he will NEVER EVER charge them, as you all are so brainwashed in never ending hope, that will NEVER HAPPEN! It will ALL BE OVER BEFORE YOU COMPREHEND YOU AND AMERICA WAS F*CKED OVER BY BARR and the BUSH DS, who is working with HRD Deep State!


Stay sleeping you morans, and keep chasing NOTHING! Notice, not 1 charge, nor not 1 "CRUMB TIP" here WAS EVER USED IN ANY COURT CASE in 3 years? NOT ONE!


It shows you will only hope for 5 or 10 years something will happen, but it WON'T! So when do you start TO PRESS THE BS BUTTON AND CALL IT OUT? You will never do that because you are brainwashed to only hope someone else will do it, and it will NOT HAPPEN! Then it'll be TO LATE FOR YOU TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT BEING SCREWED OVER IN THE DS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS.


Notice this was leaked yesterday? Hubber never ever even started to look at the Clinton Foundation crimes, as FOX NEWS and everyone on this fake DS boards claimed? He was faxed documents 3 TIMES AND THEY NEVER ONE TIME ASKED OR INVESTIGATED THE CLINTONS! See how this never ending game of DS will never ever be brought to justice?

Anonymous ID: cc987c May 31, 2019, 5:19 p.m. No.6640558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0699 >>0757



George Soro's as a young person, pulled gold fillings out of Consentration Camp gased bodies! That was his crminal start. if you look for his 60 Minutes interview like 20 years ago, YOU SEE HIM LAUGHING WHEN HE TALKS ABOU IT!


And the Bush Family, well, Prescott Bush FUNNELED ALL THE VALUABLES from SOROS THRU Prescott BUSH, and sold it, and Bush sent all the money to HITLER!


Prescott Bush was promised the Rule America by HITLER, and Bush did all he could to Coup the WHite House, and WAS FOUND GUILTY BY CONGRESSIONAL TOP COURT! Yeah really!


And "who" did the Bush family hire to RUN THE FBI AND AG of America to Cover up their BUSH crimes? BARR AND MUELLER!


Now do you understand the decades LONG CONNECTION Between these to DS BUSH HIGH TREASONOUS ACTS?


Imagine that…


  • Grandpa Prescott Bush worked with Hitler, tried a COUP OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND FOUND GUILTY - yet what JUST HAPPENED TO TRUMP? Yeah - ANOTHER FRICKING COUP!


  • and "who" was "Used" to Coup Trump? Yeah, former FBI criminal MUELLER, and former AF criminal BARR! GET IT NOW GUYS?


  • GHW took over grandpa Prescott Bushs role to Rule America, bumped off JFK, questioned minutes after shot, as he was on the Dallas PD steps at the time!


The GHW took over HOOVERS job, who just happened to call Dallas PD to stop questions Bush, and release him!


Then his son now enters, and orders the 911 towers to come down, and bribed all the Wall Street Bank Bailout for all the help they gave his family over the decades..


And who do we have today? Just happens, Barr and Mueller, BOTH BUSH FAMILY HIGH TREASON COVERUP'ers over the time they were IN OFFICE AS PRESIDENT, and they now are covering up the Bush family crimes!


GET IT NOW YOU SLEEPING Brainwashed ones? This was ALL A SET UP and NO ONE WILL BE EXECUTED FOR ANY of the BUSH DS crimes!


Photo - So how do you feel to had it shoved up your hole, and you don't comprehend what happen or how you got to this point? Stay sleeping you brainwashed false liars, chasing NOTHING! Keep running AWAY from the CRIMINAL TIES and they point you to run the other way, and you fall for them telling you to run over their, away FROM THE REAL CRIME!

Anonymous ID: cc987c May 31, 2019, 5:46 p.m. No.6640764   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Explain logically WHY Barr let off Strzok? You can't and you are brainwashed to Paroit talk the same worthless meaning.


But remember, they will ONLY TAKE DOWN THE HRC DS - NOT THE BUSH DS!


Funny you don't care and you think the Bush DS are GREAT, and HRC are evil, yet they both Destroyed Amercia, and need to be held accountable…


Yet you embrace Bush family making money with George Soros, Bush ordering the towers to fall in 911, the murder of JFK, etc. So to you, thats ok and not charge? Won't happen you brainwashed meme.


If you hear a lie over and over again, you believe that lie. yet explain, why not a single charge in 3 years of your so called enemy?


You know, you are dealing with 2 pure evil Treasons gangs right, yet you refuse to go after 1, and protect your party only, because?


Please, eliminate your DNA bloodline from earth, to make the world a better place. Brainwash and you can't comprehend you did it to yourself hey? hahahahahaha How did the Kool-aid taste?


Time to talk with humans and stop using your animals… But the good side, you aren't making humans to spread your defective DNA, so thanks for helping save the human race.

Anonymous ID: cc987c May 31, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6640829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0847 >>0872 >>0928 >>0947



George Soro's lover hey? Thought thing was a 1776 Patriot board. But thats right, no truth can be stated here because they EXPOSED YOUR LIES FOR WHAT THEY ARE!


See how brainwashing worth ANTIFA Snowflake lover? Can't handle the truth and instead of using facts, you have to swear, like a good little leftist pink pussy hat snowflake… You can read this after you calmed down from your safe space and you can keep telling your lies…




Photo - stay fixated at what see and wonder…. Time to pull that dildo from off vibrate and out your butt…


REMEMBER - THE TOWERS COMING DOWN AS CAUSED BY GW BUSH - yet you do not ask for him to be held accountable…


Love how you pick and choose what crimes upon America you will let go, and which you want arrest…


Well, you hired the Bush DS wipe=up squad, so we know where you stand… So you LOVE 911 HEY? My god, you call that not a important as HRC's crimes?


So to you, 911 towers coming down, ORDERED BY BUSH, is not as bad as Clinton Foundation? Which one killed more people?


Stay DS covering your Bush family DS, since Trump has them in control to do his DAMAGE CONTROL TO FOOL YOU….


On your words, this time, I support Planned Parenthood should have happened on your mother….

Anonymous ID: cc987c May 31, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.6641078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1177





So who do you THINK they are PROTECTING? THEMSELVES! Because they knew and ASSISTED in covering up all the Bush crimes IN REAL TIME back in the day!


Remember GHW Bush at Trumps Nomination Camp? Remember Bush USING HIS THUMB TO CUT TRUMPS THROAT, because he did NOT want Trump to be the Rep Nomination? Or did you forget that?


So to all you, you only want HRC DS crimes to be charged? What about the BUSH DS crimes? So you all give them A FREE PASS?


Yet the Bush is behind:


A 1933 Coup of the White House, caught and FOUND GUILTY!


A 1963 murder of JFK, with Bush being on the steps, and A MAIN INVOLEMENT, AS GHW BUSH WAS BEING QUESTIONED IN THE ROOM RIGHT NEXT TO WHO? Yeah - OSWALD! What are the ODDs Bush was a equal Target by Dallas PD for being involved in JFKs killing, minutes after? Think about it..


Then GW Bush ordered the destruction of the 911 towers, and then gave kickback money to Wall Street in the bank bailout for all the crimes they helped hid for his family…


Then Mueller scrubbed all the crimes he could in the Coup attempt of Trump, and then Barr is next in line to swept up all the crumbs left behind to hid HIS BUSH DS TREASON CRIMES!!!


SEE THE GAME BEING PLAYED? You are all 4 steps back of whats going on, so are you just going to go after HRC?


Make send because wasn't Strzok high in FBI during the BUSH YEARS, and KNOWS EVERYTHING?


Oh what a perfect scam on the uneducated brainwashed here on 8chan. Love those newiews who haven't lived thru the decades of all the crimes, and they think only the HRC are our only Enemies…


So of course, Barr comes riding in to save us, yet he's covering up all the crimes he was directly invovled and knowlingly covered up the DS crimes of the Bush era…


And Soros, well he is a family tie with the Bush family, and how they each go rich from WW2! So anyone asking WHY SOROS was never arrested is because HE IS TIED TO DS Crminal BUSH! Thats why Barr nor will anyone ARREST OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO STOP HIS TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!




Thats right, I'm a shill because I passed on knowledge and truth to the DS criminal board controllers so I don't disrupt their brainwashing and lies they have pushed.


It truth, can you ask for any actual physical proof they were correct? Surely all the truths being given, they'd have a mountain of TRUTHS, yet funny, we can't seem to find a single one… Who do you know is truth or liar? Should truth be verificable with facts, yet they are none on these boards? Whos really who? Just becuase one says something you partioit, like good little leftst lies?