Q will be coming on soon. He likes it about this time.
You are obviously too young and naive to have the background on these cabal pieces of shit.
Mueller couldn't find any collusion evidence and knew he lost and gave up.
But, he just had to stick it to Trump by putting in that unnecessary "cannot exonerate the obstruction" to keep this shit going on and on.
Prosecutors NEVER put that shit in. Either you have evidence for a crime or you don't.
THEY NEVER PUT "exonerate" shit in.
The declass, OIG Report on the FISAs, and Barr are coming REGARDLESS whether they are
wanting the report released or not.
Just because Comey posts a photo, doesn't mean he's actually there ffs.
He posted the corn field at the wrong season, as an example.
They are NOT 'secret good guys'. They are evil and wanted to take Trump out.
Yes. Dirty and have been for decades.
For fuck's sake - EVERYTHING is being released whether or not the Dems want it or not.
The avalanche is coming. We didn't need Mueller to put that 'exoneration' bullshit in to release everything.
Grow up, educate yourself and quit watching so many fucking spy movies.
Grow up, educate yourself and quit watching so many fucking spy movies.