>Aircraft fag here.
>Q, we all know ‘he’ walks among us here at 8chan - of which we are honored.
>I would like to make a request – for your consideration.
>‘No name’ did a lot to weaken our military, and I think one of which - was to retire
the KC-135 E-~~model~~ Aircraft.
There are currently about (160)
KC-135 E-~~models~~
parked at 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) in Tucson AZ.
The KC-135 E-~~model~~
was retired because of old engines. If the old engines are replaced, it would be equivalent to
the KC-135 R-~~model~~ which still flies and does an incredible service to the military.
>For the cost of (1) KC-46 tanker – the warfighter could have many re-engined
KC-135 E-~~models~~.
>The KC-135 aircraft [finally!]
may be old, but its bones are strong - with lots of life still left.
>The warfighter need tankers, and
the KC-135 E-~~model~~ is a viable option.
>Respectfully - for your consideration.
AnalRetentivefag has left the building.