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I've read many articles in which jews admit that obsession with excrement is a typically jewish phenomenon. For example, Marjorie Ingall, who is a columnist for the jewish publication Tablet Magazine, writes the following:
Butt of the Joke
(…) adults find body processes endlessly entertaining too. “When new moms get together they love talking about poop,” she says, “And it’s always, ‘Wow, I never thought a year ago I’d be discussing this so much.’ ” My father, olav hashalom, went to his grave thinking farting was the funniest thing in the universe. (…) Jews have a fine tradition of scatological humor. (…) And it’s ancient. Our people’s texts are full of gross-out humor.
And the clinical social worker and writer Carla Naumburg, PhD, confirms that jews love shit:
A Jewish Take on Toilet Training
(…) It's true. Jews love not only talking about their fecal habits, but also stressing about them. Are we pooping often enough? Too much? (…) we've been just a tad obsessed with the contents of our daughters' diapers.
Jews even have a prayer that they recite after taking a dump:
Asher yatzar (Hebrew: ברכת) אשר יצר) "Who [has] formed [man(kind)]") is a blessing in Judaism. It is traditionally recited after engaging in an act of excretion,[1] but is also included in many Jewish prayer books as a part of daily prayer prior to Birkat HaShachar.[2]
Excrement also plays an important role in jewish pornography:
In 2008 Isaacs was brought to trial in Los Angeles, California on federal obscenity charges for videos featuring scatology and bestiality. At issue were obscene films sold between May 2004 and October 2006: Gang Bang Horse "Pony Sex Game," Mako's First Time Scat, Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7, and BAE 20 (also titled Avantgarde Extreme).[5]
It’s a secret