They are gonna dig their whole deeper right before the Fed charges are filed.
This nogs be stupid n shit
They are gonna dig their whole deeper right before the Fed charges are filed.
This nogs be stupid n shit
They should be.
Wouldn’t give a squeeze of poop for their toady Prime Minister.
I give her 8 days til resignation.
Because we are up to our asses in them in banking and gov.
Gotta zig and zag then spring on em.
This Jussie Smollett victory lap and end zone spike?
This…this is the kind of shit that sends the countrynoff the rails in a really big way.
This could go very very wrong if not handled.
Heard about that.
NZ gov tries to ban this video it will be copied 3.6 times from the Shire to Mt. Doom in 1.98 seconds.
This is amazing. The more they’ll try to quash, the more the muzziesmand everyone else will hit the pavement.
Only thing that can be done from here is declas
Here’s your Neon…