Delta = :55
Interesting that the 5:5 mirror worked yesterday.
Could just be saying 5:5 with regard to the comments in the two tweets.
Thereโs always drop #55.
Delta = :55
Interesting that the 5:5 mirror worked yesterday.
Could just be saying 5:5 with regard to the comments in the two tweets.
Thereโs always drop #55.
Delta = 17:05:43
:17 = Q and :05:43 = Q drop #543
Coincidentally, the 1-year delta of drop #543 is 1-18-19, which lines up on the qclock with today.
Q drops returning to the news cycle.
Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting
Q drops have 47:17 in both time stamps
Delta of drop time stamps = 17
Delta of drop number = 19
Date of drop 2-22 lines up on 17-47 line
The Great Awakening?
POTUS tweet deltas on 5-15-19 lead to Q drop #543
POTUS tweet deltas on 5-18-19 lead to Q drop #543
Sure is one heck of a coincidence.
From Sea To Shining Sea
POTUS Tweet delta = Q post No. 356
Sorry if I'm late, but is Q saying 180 degree reflection as in :55 - :25 or use the :55-:25 line as a reflection (mirror).
Funny coincidence.
POTUS ended the day yesterday with 3 linked tweets which made 2 ZERO deltas.
POTUS started the day today with 3 linked tweets which made 2 ZERO deltas.
00 + 00 = 0000
A search for "0000" on displays two Q drops that don't have 0000, but DO line up on the Qclock with today.
POTUS Tweets "GREAT" Twice
POTUS included "GREAT" in two tweets today.
Multiple Q drops that include "THE GREAT AWAKENING" line up on the qclock with today.
Yet another tie in to 'The Great Awakening'
The Delta between POTUS' deleted/replaced tweets = :57
Q post #57, the link to POTUS' video, lines up on the qclock today.
Might be a good idea to tune into Steve Hilton tonight at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews.
Looks like ALOT of Q drops containing the video line up with today on the clock using the cross :48 - :18 and :3 - :33.
2807, 2651, 2628, 2494, 2406, 2096, 1332, 1093.
Sorry, gotta run.
I'm back at it.
Sorry for the mistakes, was rushing before I had to leave,
Is it old news that if you take 5-steps ahead on the clock the date one row down is always 55 days ago. Just realized it. 5:5.
POTUS' Tweet Delta = Judgement Day.
Interesting that the seconds of POTUS tweet delta = 55
Q dropped #3181 55 days ago.
POTUS twitter error
Might Be A VERY Interesting Rally Tonight
The delta of POTUS' tweets is 4:32:23
Q drop #432 says "Missile"
Coincidentally, this afternoon the U.S. Navy tweeted a picture of a MISSILE launch.
There's also :34 second marker buried in Q drop 432.
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Tweets 1888
The dates of the Blizzard of 1888 March 11-13) line up on the clock with a 15 minute offset.
POTUS tweet deltas are dates?
First Q drop
4,10,20 line
U.S. Army Tweets:
Q drop with 1-year delta says [Green]
Also,Drop #206 lines up with today using a 1-year delta.
"Canโt wait for the green light."
Not A Clock, But Seems VERY Interesting.
POTUS announced his candidacy on 6-16-15
The delta between 6-16-15 and 5-27-19 is 1,441 days.
Coincidentally, POTUS' tweet #1441 was sent at 5:27.
If you line up 1441 (:14 - :44 and :41 - 11) and pull 90 degree lines off of each line you end up with markers :56 and :59.
Marker :56 lines up with 5-27 and :59 is when the clock runs out.
Note that POTUS mentioned the day he announced his candidacy this morning.
Nice MAYday catch.
Funny that you have dates highlighted on the :56 and :59 markers. See my 1441 post above.
This is interesting:
1+4 : 4+1
5 : 5
Reading the content of POTUS tweet,
I think he's saying he's done messing around. It's time to declas, so he can get back to business.
Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day, everyone will be distracted and Government offices closed for the long weekend.
Q drops #1776 and #992 line up on the :56 marker. Also related drops #1787 and #1369 are in play as both contain #1776.