Q lays out the meaning and use of The Clock, starting on 1/7/18, but foreshadowed about The Clock on 1/6/18.
>Q 477 1/6/18
>Think clock.
>Wind the clock w/ all markers.
There are several kinds of markers, but Q defines they are noted in Q 2349 as [Markers].
What is commonly referred to as a "killbox", is really just a marker.
People, places, events, words, letters, and numbers can be markers. There are two different number markers however. There are normal numbers signifying something related to the crumb, but also Delta Markers.
Q had already demonstrated before this crumb that deltas are relevant and important for comms. Q had confirmed the [5], [10], and [15] Delta Markers before this crumb, summarized in Q 455 when Q said "Graphics should be in same time zone. Delta relevant. [5]Today [10]Past [15]Past" meaning the [5] minute delta was done the day of that crumb, and the [10] and [15] minute deltas was done before that crumb.
Timestamps and Delta Markers are used for comms from POTUS, through Q, and finally to anons, which can be viewed as a stopwatch or Clock (pic1).
Q later used a few other delta markers such as [0], [1] (pic2), [6], [7], [17], [30] (days), [1 year], and the countdown negative delta markers (pic3)
The Clock is for looking at deltas between Q and POTUS for comms.
Q then demonstrates how The Clock and delta markers can be used effectively for comms on 1/7/18 (pic2).
>Q 506 1/7/18
>Wind the CLOCK.
This all summed up in pic2.
Q posts a misspelling/miswording of "win" but it should've been "when".
Q then posts this as markers, with the Delta Marker of [15].
POTUS, after Q's post of the [15] Delta Marker, posts two tweets with a 15 minute delta that have a misspelling of "consensual" in the first and about Michael Goodwin in the second.
Q then posts the [1] Delta Marker.
POTUS, after Q's post of the [1] Delta Marker, then posts two tweets again with a 1 minute delta that corrects the misspelling to "consequential", adding a Q, and reposts the part about Michael Goodwin.
Q later says "WE ARE TALKING DIRECTLY TO THIS BOARD. LEARN OUR COMMS" and (Delta) "Marker [1] confirmed. Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1", foreshadowing the [0] Delta Marker will be confirmed later, which it has been multiple times (pic3 and pic4).
Q explains this use of The Clock and Delta Markers in Q 506.
Q then clarifies the use of The Clock being for Delta Markers and deltas to decipher comms by saying "This will be the AUTH tool you use when all of this becomes public to provide friends, family, others."
'Winding The Clock with markers' refers to all the Delta Markers.
The Clock is a delta counter or a stopwatch to use when looking for deltas between Q and POTUS for comms.
The Graphic is a simple picture that shows the delta between Q and POTUS (epitomized in pic1, and shown left side of and throughout pic2, and pic3).
>Q 2647 1/5/19
>[1 year delta]
>The clock is ticking.
Q introduces the [1 year] Delta Marker for The Clock while referencing the metaphorical meaning of the signature 'the clock is ticking'.
In Q 2761, Q 2948, Q 3009, and Q 3141, Q acknowledges this theory of The Clock directly in a reply (pic4).
TLDR: The Clock is for checking the deltas using Delta Markers between Q and POTUS to see if there are comms associated with that delta from POTUS, through Q, and finally to anons.
Q has mentioned the word "clock" 31 times. Only five total times, shown above, were they actually in reference to The Clock, the other times seem to be metaphorical and unrelated to The Clock (all based on the numbering of
>>6485737 (Delta Thread)
Pic 1: Simple representation of The Clock, used for deltas between Q and POTUS.
>>6485714 (Delta Thread)
Pic 2: Graphic of Q's posts on 1/7/18 that explain The Clock.
>>6485717 (Delta Thread)
Pic 3: A "Delta Map" with many (but not all) examples of confirmed delta markers.
>>6485729 (Delta Thread)
Pic 4: Compilation of crumbs where Q acknowledged The Clock directly in a reply.
>>6485733 (Delta Thread)
Theories on The Clock can be found in the Delta Thread:
There is a tool on for seeing deltas between Q and POTUS: