POTUS Tweet Contains BIG
Q Drops Contain BIG
Something BIG is Coming
These all line up on the clock :36 - :06
POTUS Tweet Contains BIG
Q Drops Contain BIG
Something BIG is Coming
These all line up on the clock :36 - :06
POTUS & Q say "BIG"
Both have the same minute marker (:51)
Note :51 is a 15 minute offset from :36.
U.S. Army Tweeted The SAME Tweet 21 Days Apart
Q drop that contains [-21] lines up on the Qclock with today.
U.S. Air Force Tweets - #F15
Minute time stamp of Q's F15 drop is :22
:22 is 15 minutes offset from today (:37)
Iran Next?
Iran in the news.
Iran related Q drops line up on the clock.
Interesting that these both line up on the clock.