Notice its 100% always the same since the being, with little actual knowledge? You can place this exact "comment" or "forecast" into any one of the 1000s of past posts and you get 99.9% forecast.
Notice - 100% always Pain Coming, Think, Pain, Pain, arrests coming, Panic, Bad People, etc? Its a 100% never ending meme saying at no matter what fake Clockfag says?
It doesn't matter where on the clock the hands fall, or manipulated to fall, yet its always Panic, Pain coming, Pain Bad Actors, It Coming Down, Arrests soon, etc.? Notice NO MATTER WHAT, IT's 100% the exact same - in ALL FAKE WHEELS?
You'd think, if you'd get new information in the different hands they create, you'd have different comments or targets, but NO. You 100% only hear Pain Coming, Arrests soon, Panic, they are in Deep trouble, etc?
See how this is only a meme, and they are brainwashing you? In 3 years of the exact same phrases, 10+ times a day, in each and every wheel, the exact same Pain coming?
This is how Brainwashing works. If you say it over and over, your brain believes the lie as truth, yet nothing ever changes. Sorta like Antifa always being able to be spotted when you see the color of their hair, their cloths, vioilent acts, etc? Notice in 3 years, its all the same and never changed. Yet you see it everyday, and nothings changed. Same as the Deep State Clockfags wheel. Funny, no matter what the hands move to, its 100% pain coming, fear, crisis, arrests happening? Shouldn't the hand of the clock wheel events "Change" when the hands move, like the suns location, yet notice, THEY NEVER EVER DO?
We all know somethings about to come down and arrests made, but they have been 100% wrong 10,000+ times, and never got 1 event correct, yet they spew the same lines, moment, by moment, by moment, yet never does anything happen? This is called DISTRACTION to keep you from researching real crimes happening right now, this moment, so you do not help, research, and expose who is behing all the current crisis' we face in real time?
Its a parlor slight of word parlor trick, and very few but the most brainwashed believe their dozens of daily lies. Yet we know you are smart enough, and you can only hear Arrests coming, or pain coming 10,000+ times, and still not one time any charge or arrest. But then, when something happens and a arrest, they'll come back and say SEE, I WAS RIGHT! Well saying this dozens of time per day, for 3 years, of course anyone will be right soon or later.
Don't be fooled as Clockfag forecasting is a Deep State Distraction to keep your brain buzy, so you still believe its happening. Basis 101 in military to keep you busy until needed. Yet you don't need DS fake Clockfags to see all the changes and walls closing in on DS now do you?
You'd figure, if they were honest, they'd break atleast 1 story, yet in 3 years, not a single Event forecasted now did they? You get 100% all you need directly from Q and Trumps Tweets to learn whats going on.
Think. This board is nice, but Clockfags is a distraction to fool all but the most brainwashed Trump Patriots, to not comprehend they are doing the evil breaking into the bank of knowledge for the Deep State. Notice no one can give 1 factual answer as to how Trumps Patrioits will benefit from Cracking Q and their own teams Coaches plan to their enemy?
Only criminals want to gather in mass and share possible clicks in the Q tumbler bank wheel that is locked, yet they twisted and brainwashed the weakest links it into doing it for Trump Patriots?
Funny, instead of asking Patriot Trump supporters to protect our valuables, Clockfags brainwashed you in playing with the fake tumbler wheel is GOOD for Trump and fellow Patriots, yet they are acting as DS criminals? So you tell me how Good Patriots want to even play a game and fumble with the bank tumbler for fun? Only criminals play a game like this, so they can open the bank vaults door, and steal all the valuables…
So tell me this, what do this fake "Todays Q Clock" this DS agent placed that gives a different answer then any in the previous 3 years? Notice its all basic 101 general, and repeated daily and in each post? You can interchange any hands in the clock, and you'll 100% get the 100% exact same "Forecast".
Exposing Truth to the most easily brainwashed ones, using Truth, Logic and Common Sense. If you love America Trump Patriots, all you need is Q and Trumps Tweets to learn 100% everything going on. Clockfags use that last .1% to dig a hole into cracking into it…