Did I call it, or did I fucking call it?
Told ya so…
Did I call it, or did I fucking call it?
Told ya so…
Show them the video of AZOV Battalion (Jews pretending to be Nazis) burning a Christian on a cross from 2 years ago…
THIS IS WHAT OUR TAX-DOLLARS SUPPORT… That, and NOW, Israel's raping and pillaging of Syrian-Christians in Golan Heights.
POTUS didn't just sell us out to Israel, he pissed on the cross and spit in the eye of Jesus.
I'll bet you are fucking stoked about this, huh Q? You Zionist fuck…
When are you going to explain your CRAFT International symbolism, you LARPing queer?
Hey Q and POTUS, why are your new best buddies (Israel) funding people who burn Christians on crosses?
Will you disavow, or nah?
(Those Alt-Right guys are much worse, right?)
Look at him, MR. PRESIDENT… THIS is what YOU support.
A zionist in America, is a traitor to America… And an affront to ALL Christians, everywhere.
FYI: AZOV Battalion are not "Neo-Nazis"… They are almost entirely Jewish.
Just like (((Brenton Tarrant))), these kikes do their best to commit atrocities in the name of WHITE PEOPLE, who they hate with a passion.
This is what (((they))) do.
Make one that says, "Q works for CRAFT International, a Zionist group with Israeli interests."
Ya know, to be truthful with your countrymen.
Fuck these mob faggots… Meme or not, there is nothing "cool" about people who make their living committing crime and exploiting their communities. Not to mention, it's the (((mafia))) that is heavily involved in child-trafficking in the world today. You won't see them being busted though, because many are Trump's friends.
("But POTUS loved JFK, he would never side with, or work with, the same Jews who killed JFK and his friends in the towers on 9/11…" - Lemmings)
Oh shit… wait.
Boycott all Israeli products and services.
FUCK ISRAEL and everything it stands for… And EVERYONE who stand with it.
These fucks are a SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.
Destroy them!