do it
Greatest Actor?
same outfit different necklace
he's not smart enough to do it right. none of them are.
he will end up taking them all down.
Anecdotes are often the smoke that leads to the flame.
But short of getting medical files this would be hard to really prove.
Anon's hunny 'was' a vaccine researcher (Chimeric influenza). Dangerous stuff in the wrong hands.
She and I don't do vaccines for ourselves but she won't speak up to others because she is afraid of being labeled a nut. LOTS of comped people in the industry.
they died off after the Martin Luther book was posted.
Funny that.
and some one pointed out they were calling trump the ultra zionist because nazi wasn't working.
Been pretty clean ever since.
and on video!
I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of it get play time when socialists try to primary out old dems.
Hey sarah.
I've seen you naked.
Fucking embarrassing and disappointing.
You look like a refrigerator box. with shitty pancakes and a brillo pad stapled to it.
What a shitty half thought out response that is.
Your shit is fake and gay and worst of all its stale an unimaginative. Come back when you have something funny to post.
sounds like you got fed bad info.
yeah what does your therapist think you should do?
hmm just you I guess that makes you the dumb nigger.
my local state SO is run by weirdos too.
They have missing money problem and a kid touching problem.
j, I meant post some pictures.
I've given you 13 responses. what are you gonna spend your $3.25 on?
no one was built like williams.