Sundance - aka the TheLastRefuge - is a virulent Q-hater. He basically purged more than half of his users/contributors from his WordPress-based site for even breathing the letter "Q". They've since reformed on a new blog.
Not saying he doesn't get and disseminate good info from time to time, but it's good to understand where that dude is coming from. The weird thing is - most of his positions largely lined up with Q, prior to the midyear elections last year. I considered him a top resource for info, pre-election of 2016, and second only to Q, post the emergence of Q. Until midyear 2018. Then he became a much darker presence.
He's always put together great info-graphics (pic related) and had largely very well researched and presented articles, so his sharp turn against Q last fall was disturbing. Either (they) got to him in some way, or he's jealous of the Q movement, or something else happened. But whatever it was, he's not who he used to be, in terms of outlook.
Just my observation, I'm just an anon.
Many of the people he ousted/banned/made unwelcome read here, as you may well imagine. I don't post at their site, and they may prefer to keep it quiet, so I won't link it, but I read there. They are good people: smart, patriotic, largely based in faith, pro-Q, pro-President Trump.