Just FYI: It passed Senate but the House dropped it. It's not law.
Like that will ever happen. One thing Dems do like Rep's only dream of is stand by each other.
> account also failed to list any sources to back up the allegation
Double standard. Perfectly fine for all MSM to list unnamed sources.
>This false smear originated four months ago on a QAnon conspiracy account. ~Schitt spokesperson
I'm thinking specifically of Jr's testimony. What Jr testified to was relased before Jr finished testifying. A closed door session is protected testimony from the public.
I know. Was a rhetorical question and just stating there are most certainly grounds for Schiff to be arrested and charged while Congress is in session.
bread filler
ahhhh…..that's why.
Is it possible to have that as a global? I'm sure many anons are not aware.