Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.5938931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9060


The problem is that nobody else can use your original meme, because there is always the legal danger that you might say "hey, he violated my 'copyright', I didn't allow him, to use my meme. Now I'll sue him."

And that's what they did: They sowed division (again!) between the citizens, so that citizens are afraid of each other and cannot unite, or build a movement using memes.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.5938942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8967



They made us believe since centuries that we are all parts of certain groups and cannot trust people of other groups.

Today they call this evil game "identity politics" and people are (again!) falling for this evil scheme.

Patriots don't do the "identity politics" of their enemy.

Our motto should be:

"He's my brother."

This is the way to beat their evil division politics.

By uniting against such politics.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 2:44 a.m. No.5938971   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MSM has nothing to give to the people.

They always depend on articles about injustice, despair, fear mongering and doom and gloom.

This is one reason, why the message Q gives is so attractive to people ww:

Q doesn't sell doom and gloom.

Q presents us a plan and tells us, how to be a part of the plan.

And the plan is hope and the plan is glorious!

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.5938983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>…because they are losing.


One reason, they are losing, is that their plan is founded on fear, hopelessness and despair.

But people don't engage with hopeless cause.

People need positive goals to strive for.

People want to strive for something good.

Q's plan speaks of hope, justice and of good things for the world, not only the US.

This makes THE PLAN so appealing to people all around the world.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.5939098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9130


Either we'll see AG Barr revising Foxx' decision, or he won't.

If he stands for justice, he cannot let Smollett walk free, imo.

Smollett seems to have faked a crime and thereby smeared Trumps basis, the MAGA movement as racists and as a lynch mob.

This cannot be dismissed.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 3:32 a.m. No.5939128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150


>Should we be marking memes with (pic related) from now on so our euro siblings can use them?

I thought about this too.

But if American Anons use 'copyright' material for their meme relying on the American law of 'fair use', this already would mean that the EU laws are violated, because this is what Article 13 means:

No 'fair use' of anything anymore.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.5939162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9190


> It never was, and it never will be.

I understand everything, you wrote here and I agree.

The only thing, I disagree with is that Smollett cannot just walk free.

He allegedly faked a hate crime.

He has to be trialed for this.

Q posted about Lady Justice being blind, meaning that she is just.

If you always make some deals and don't prosecute every crime, justice isn't justice.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.5939197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9268


> Draconian laws usually have a way of sparking great social change.

>Sometimes very great.

For this to happen, people have to understand, what the EU laws mean for their freedom of speech and expression.

And the people in my country are ignorant.

When the EU forbid to post or send photos that depict other people than yourself, they made it a crime to post pics from a beach, where people can be seen.

Do they care about your vacation pics?


But with this law they made it illegal to post pics from rallies or protests.

If they say that this, or that happened at rallies, or that thousands were present, you cannot prove them wrong, because you aren't allowed to spread photos to prove them wrong.

And the people around me, do not know, what "their" politicians voted for in Brussels.

Anonymous ID: 6e023f March 28, 2019, 3:55 a.m. No.5939248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I think they would have to be impeached 1st, then prosecuted

This is, what I believe.

Then the question would be, on what grounds you would be able to impeach him.

And how you would be able to enforce the impeachment.

Dems (and the MSM) will do everything in their power to prevent this, because they know that when he would be removed from Congress, they too are in danger.