>Trump don't do it have a rally that night.
The way he's been going the illegals should go and cheer him on.
>Trump don't do it have a rally that night.
The way he's been going the illegals should go and cheer him on.
>Facebook to ban white nationalism and separatism
It's funny how non-Whites hate our "White Supremacy", "White Privilege" and "racism" but demand that we not separate from them.
That bro definitely lifts.
>Think: @jack, fuckerburg, the heads of large corporations (who are white males)
Fuckerburg is Jewish. Diversity quotas don't apply to Jews. They are the high priests of the diversity religion. The Whites who help them are outright traitors.
It's not Mexico that promised Americans to do something about illegal immigration. It's not Mexico that promised Americans a wall that Mexico will pay for.