Q dropping about Loop Capital recently inspired me to dig up these old finds from a year ago… Loop found its self sitting pretty after the crash of 2008 thanks to Obama granting them eligible agent status to facilitate TALF deals. Prior to Obama taking office Loop was at best a mid-sized regional player in the mid-west but, being granted access to the FED window instantly put them on par with the largest financial institutions in the world and the ability to commit financial fraud at a scale the Obama Crime Syndicate had most likely never dreamed possible prior to RENEGADE ascending to the highest office in the land.
The Treasury IG at the time had this to say about TALF and TARP, "TALF is “an ideal opportunity to money-laundering organizations.”. No one is really sure how much money flowed through these special agents, I wonder if BHO knows the answer? My guess is they skimmed BILLIONS at our expense.
Attached PDF is just crumb to hopefully stimulate some Anons hunger to know more. Pic is from the PDF