Not Q, just another anon, but remember that Shriver's daughter married Arnie (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and held California's 1st Lady post for a while. Before Shriver, AFAIK, Arnie wasn't political. After Shriver, Arnie became governator.
What the other anons previously posted. Also, in case the video doesn't work for you, "Dark to Light" Q proof from POTUS' own mouth.
""It was a very very dark period and I think maybe we're shedding a lot of light. We're gonna come into a bright, beautiful sunny day."
Wow. Especially the last png. Why is this not already in Notables? Has it been posted before?
Since Q has gone WW, it may help if anons keep in mind that newfags may have NEVER been exposed to this much freedom of thought before. It could be very disturbing to someone who comes from a culture of repression, where all speech is carefully limited and only official utterances are made publicly.